Changing Perspective ~Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Wake up Vanessa!! It's time to go!!!" Kikki shouts.

"Why, I'm tired!" I whine, tiredly.

"We're gonna go look some more! Do you want to get home?" She asks. I open up one eye.

"Yes." I say.

"Then... Get up!" She yells laughing.

"Ugh, fine!" I say, sitting up.

"Yaaay!" She says laughing.

"Hi Vanessa, good morning." Bridget says.

"Hey!" I say as I get up so we can search some more. We all start to walk away.

We've gone quite far from the clearing, and I hope that soon we can find a way out, or at least a clue on how. All that there is to see is dirt, and rocks down here. No clues. Nothing.

"Uh oh.." I hear Tarb say. I look towards him and see what looks to be a blue-ish portal. There's a shadow of someone inside.

"What?" I ask.

"Sardon! Tarb! What are you still doing here!? I see you found Dren! I thought I told you to leave him, and get back to the hideout!?" It shouts. I-is that Deep Blue?

"Sorry, but I tried to leave. There is no way out that we can find. I only came so that we could find a way out." Sardon explains. I guess that is Deep Blue..

"Find a way now! And as soon as you do, start planning another attack. Hurry up! Or there'll be trouble for all three of you!" Deep Blue shouts before his portal disappears.

"I knew he would tell them to leave me behind.." Dren says quietly to me before walking ahead. How could Deep Blue even think of leaving one of his own behind? That's just cruel. He would just let Dren die down here, without a second thought. Wow. Anyway we keep walking for a little while until we decide to stop for the night because, of course, its dark again!


Everyone is asleep again except for me. For some reason, its not as dark as usual. I can see the outlines of everyone enough to know who they are. Why can't I sleep? If I can't sleep, I can't be any help on the searching. Jeez, I hope we get outta here soon.

"Mew Mew Style, Mew Mew Grace, Mew Mew Power In Your Face!" I hear Zoey say quietly in her sleep. She does that a lot. Especially in class, and it's pretty funny actually. I wasn't always in her school. I actually just transferred a few weeks before I became a Mew Mew. I got expelled from my old school, which is where Bridget goes to school. It was all a big misunderstanding! It was something you wouldn't think I would do because of who I am now, and technically I didn't do it anyway.

What happened was I had these friends. Not really the type of friends a good person should be hanging out with, but I did anyway. I was going through a phase, alright. I wasn't a very good girl for a few months.  Anyway, yeah, I still hung out with Bridget and Kikki, but I only started to hang out with the other people because one of them was a friend from when I was little. Anyway, one day they decided to skip classes. They came looking for me after 1st period and told me to come, and I agreed. We left and they wanted to go get some chips and stuff so we did. I waited outside the store with my old friend and the other three went in. They came out with chips, alcohol, and smokes. I was so surprised at that. I didn't think we were gonna do that! Then they decided it would be a good idea to go back to the school and drink, smoke, and eat out back. I didn't think it was the best idea, but I went with them anyway. I was just eating chips and drinking water when the.. uh, leader? The leader of the group noticed that I wasn't drinking alcohol or smoking.

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