Changing Perspective -Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After the fighting we realize the aliens didn't actually find Blue Aqua, they just thought they did.

As we all walk back to the cafe Bridget explains to me that the other aliens were Sardon and Tarb, who came to Earth after Dren did.

Tarb was the short one with scruffy brown hair with some of it put into short pig-tails. He's dressed in a red shirt and blue shorts.

Sardon was tall, with short grey-ish hair that had long piece tied with a hair-tie. 

He was wearing matching grey and purple pants and shirt.

Dren was taller then Tarb but shorter than Sardon. 

He wore a brown, black, and red shirt, with brown, and black pants. 

He had really dark green hair, with two hair-ties.

Dren was really annoying! We have the same size ears! He can't really make fun of them!

Anyway, we got to the cafe, to finish our shifts. I love my cafe uniform. It looks the same as the other ones, but it is orange!!

Anyway there was only about a half hour in my shift. I spent most of that time talking to customers. Working at Cafe Mew Mew is pretty awesome.

After my shift I head over to my house. 

Bridget's house is in the same direction as mine so we walk together.

"So Nessa, how was your very first day as a Mew Mew?" Bridget says with a smile.

"It was pretty awesome! Although there was a downside." I answer

"What was the downside?" Bridget asks looking worried.

"Nothing major, just that one alien Dren. He's really annoying." I explain laughing.

"Oh, him. Yeah, he's pretty annoying. He won't stop flirting with Zoey. She hates it. Especially because, as you know, she likes Mark." Bridget says.

"Poor Zoey! That must be REALLY annoying." I say.

"Yeah, but she okay." Bridget smiles.

"That's good! Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow Bridget! Bye!" I say, waving and walking into my house.

"Bye, Vanessa! Bridget say while waving and walking away. 

When I get into my room I transform because I don't actually know what I look like transformed.

I love it! 

My hair is strawberry blond and it goes past my shoulders with a bit of brown at the tips you can barley see and I have light orange eyes. I have big tan ears and a tail that is the same colour.

My dress is orange, it goes a little higher than my knees. 

I have cool orange boots that go a bit over my ankles. 

I have an orange garder around my left leg that has brown edges. 

My gloves just go to my wrists and they are orange.

My Mew mark is kind of weird but also pretty cool. 

It's on my shoulder and it is orange lines that make a kind of design I cannot explain. I'm liking my transformed look.

Anyway I transform back to normal. 

Its late and its been a pretty long day so I should get to sleep. 

I wonder what my second day as a Mew Mew will bring me.

So there's chapter 3 people! :D Hope you keep reading to find out what happens next! Luv You<3

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