Changing Perspective ~Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"So, if we're gonna leave to search for a way out, shouldn't we bring food and water just in case?" Zoey asks.

"Well yeah, but how are we going to bring any? We cant just have everyone carry a bunch of apples and water! 1st of all you cant carry water, and second of all if our hands are full of apples how are we gonna find anything? Especially a way out." I ask.

"I think I have a solution for that!" Kikki says.

"How?" Tarb asks.

"Well, I have this!" Kikki says, before pulling off a backpack, that no one seems to have seen until now.

"Wow. When did that get there?" Corina asks.

"Its been there the whole time guys. How did you not see that?" Renee asks, laughing. Everyone stands there, trying to remember seeing it.

"Anyway, that's great! Now we can carry the apples and stuff like that!" I say happily.

"And the water!" Kikki shouts, pulling a few empty water bottles out of the backpack. How did she know we would need these? Oh well. We needed them, and now we have them!

"Alright, great! Everyone, start gathering stuff please!" I ask.

"And thanks Kikki!" I say.

"No problem!" She says, as she starts to get some water.

Good thing Kikki knew to bring stuff. After everyone has gathered a bunch of food and water, we start to leave the clearing. As everyone leaves, I stop at the exit. I turn and look around the clearing for one last time. This place pretty much saved Dren and I. Without it, we would've starved and been lost.

"C'mon Vanessa, lets get going." Dren says to me quietly. He must've saw me stop.

"Okay, lets get outta here." I say turning to Dren. He smiles and I smile back, and we walk out behind the others.


Well, we're still down here. We've gone pretty far I think. This is farther than Dren or I had ever been. We decide to stop, because it's getting dark again.

"Goodnight everyone!" Kikki says, laying down in between Tarb and Renee.


A little while later everyone is asleep, except for me. It's great that they came to find Dren and I but how are we all gonna get out. We cant even see the light at the top, so we must be really really far down. Without being able to fly or teleport, we may never get outta here! No, I've gotta stop freaking myself out about this! We will get out! We'll be totally fine! We'll all be free, and I'll get to see Dawn soon. I'll be back before her.. Okay, maybe not before her, but not long after. She won't have long enough to worry. Someone yawns then, but I'm not sure who it is.

“Vanessa?” Oh, it's Bridget.

“Hey Bridget” I say quietly.

“How long have you been awake?” She asks, sounding tired.

“I never actually fell asleep.” I say.

"Oh. Aren't you tired?” She asks. I really am. I just can't sleep.

“A little. Not really.” I lie, but then I yawn, so I think she can tell that I'm lying.

“Just go to sleep.” She says laughing quietly.

“I'll try.” I say. Someone puts their hand on mine. I'm guessing it's Bridget. Wait.. Isn't she beside Elliot? They're not that close to me. The person next to me starts to wake up.

“Ugh! It's still dark!” Dren says, groggily.

“Yeah, it sucks.” I say. I guess it was Dren's hand. He notices that his hand is on mine I guess, because he quickly removes it.

“Hello Dren.” Bridget says kindly.

“Oh hi.” He says.

“I'm gonna go to sleep again. Goodnight Vanessa, goodnight Dren.” Bridget says.

“Goodnight Bridget.” Dren and I say at the same time.

“So, are you going back to sleep?” I ask.

“No, I can't now. I'm wide awake. You?” He asks.

“No, I've tried, but I haven't slept at all.” I say.

“Well, I think you should sleep.” He tells me.

“Well yeah. I just can't. Too much on my mind right now.” I explain.

“Oh. Well, I can stay awake with you.” He offers.

“Okay, if you want.” I say, yawning again.

“Alright. So, whats on your mind that's making you stay up?” He asks.

“Oh, just getting out of here, how long the food and water will last, my sister, stuff like that.” I say, counting the thoughts on my fingers.

“Yeah? Well trust me, everything will be fine. We'll get out soon, the food and water will last, you'll see your sister, and you wont have to worry anymore.” He says, reassuringly.

“You think so?” I ask. I yawn again.. I think I'm starting to fall asleep.

“I know it.” He says laughing.

“What's so funny?” I ask.

“You're pretty much asleep. You seem like you're sleep talking. Just go to sleep Vanessa.” He says.

“Well... If you insist.” I say, yawning.

“I insist. Goodnight Vanessa.” He says.

"Goodnight Dren.” I say, before drifting off to sleep.

There's Chapter 17 guys! Do you like how it's going so far? Anything that bugs you? Anything you love about it? Lemme know! I want your feedback! Even a little bit of constructive criticism is good! Just nothing that'll make me cry, or something! Okay? Thanks guys! Keep reading and enjoy! I'll post the next chapter within the next week or two! (I have exams this week so probably next week.) Love you!! <3 Byee!

Changing Perspective -A Mew Mew Power Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now