Changing Perspective -Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Dren and I walk around our little clearing, and as we do we talk.

''I don't really think there's much to explore, Vanessa.'' Dren tells me.

''Well, how would you know? We've only been in the part where there's food and water.'' I say. We take a turn down a little path and we walk around for an hour.. Dren was right. This place is a circle with two tunnels. The ones we both came in through.

''Well, you were right.'' I say as we walk back to the middle.

''Told you!'' Dren says, laughing.

''Oh well, lets just go.'' I say, going a little faster... I'm hungry!

***Bridget's P.O.V***

I'll go ask Vanessa's sister, Dawn, if she knows where Vanessa is. I still haven't seen her. It's been almost two weeks. I can't believe I didn't think of asking her sister in the first place. They're really close. When I get to her house there's a note on the door. It says:

Vanessa, I went on vacation! I'm in Hawaii. I'll miss you <3 I'll be back in about a month. Love you <3 Dawn.

Oh, well if Vanessa saw this it would be off the door, wouldn't it? She dosn't seem to be here anyway. Where is she!! I'm really worried. Well... I need to go to Cafe Mew Mew.

***At Cafe Mew Mew***

I walk in and Corina is inside.

''Hello Corina, have you seen Vanessa...?'' I ask her.

''Nope sorry.. Is she still missing?'' She says.

''Sadly yes, I have absolutely no idea where she is.. I've looked everywhere more than once!''

''Still haven't found her yet?'' Elliot says, coming up from the basement.

''No, I haven't. We need her. The Cynicolns are getting stronger, and also I miss her..'' I tell him.

''Um.. It's okay, Bridget. I'm sure if we all work together we can find her..'' He says, putting his hand in my back. I can feel my face going red..

''Thank you, Elliot.'' I say, smiling. Maybe there's hope of finding Vanessa soon, after all.

***Vanessa's P.O.V***

''What's your family like Dren?'' I ask him just when we have finished eating.

''Well... I'm adopted.'' He says quietly.

''Really?'' I say, surprised.

''Yeah.. Tarb and Sardon are brothers and I'm their adoptive brother.." He says.

''What about you? What's yours like?'' He asks pointing at me.

''W-well, I live with my sister, Dawn.'' I say quietly, while looking down. He dosn't ask about my parents so I think he understands why I'm living with my sister.

Why am I telling him all of this.. We're enemies, we should be up on the surface fighting each other! Not talking about our families and eating apples! I need to get out! ...But there is no way out yet. At least not one known to Dren or me yet..

''Vanessa? Are you alright? You look out of it.'' He says.

''Huh! Oh, yeah! It's all good.. Haha sorry..'' I say weakly.

''It's alright.'' He says smiling.


''Ahhh!!'' I yell, then my tail and ears pop out.

''Hahahaha! Your ears popped out!" Dren says, laughing.

''Ha ha ha, very funny! My ears and tail are adorable! Anyway, What was that!!? It seemed close, like it was in our clearing..'' I say, trying somehow to get my ears to go back, but my heart is going too fast... Stupid crashing noise!!

''I don't know, maybe. Lets go find out!!' He says recovering from his laughter.

''Alright!'' I say, and we head out to find out what the noise was.

So that was chapter 12 guys! Hope you liked it!! Keep reading! Luv You :)

Changing Perspective -A Mew Mew Power Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now