Changing Perspective -Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Ow. Waking up after a big battle with Cyniclons hurts. My arms hurt, my legs hurt, and my head hurts. I stand up painfully and slowly walk to the washroom. I look in the mirror, and on my cheek is a big bruise. Dammit Deep Blue. That must be from when he punched me. How am I gonna hide this? Whatever, I'll just cover it up with make-up, and hide my face from Dawn. I grad my make-up bag, and put on some cover up. It hides it pretty well, but I can still see it. I just hope Dawn doesn't notice.

''Hey Vanessa! Want a pancake?'' Dawn shouts as I walk towards the kitchen.

''Sure.'' I call fixing my pajamas.

''Hey Vanessa! Long time no see.'' I walk into the kitchen and see Elliot sitting at the table.

''Elliot! Hey!'' I smile, sitting at the table.

''How are you?'' He asks.

''I'm good. Had my first good night sleep in a while.'' I shrug. ''You?''

''Im pretty good. Missed you guys.'' He smiles, and I think about how I see him all the time.

''Visit more often then!'' I scold sarcastically.

''Sorry, I will.'' He nods.

''You better!'' Dawn and I exclaim together. We all laugh, and Dawn sits down with a plate full of pancakes.

Throughout the morning we make up for all the time we've missed together by eating pancakes, watching TV, and just talking like we used to. I really missed this. This was my entire family since my parents died, and other than my few friends like Bridget, and then later Kikki, and a few more friends, this was all I had. I loved it, and I can't believe how much time it's been since we all sat down and talked about whatever we wanted. The phone rings a second later, and I pick it up.


''Hey Vanessa! It's Bridget.''

''Hey Bridget.'' I smile.

''Hey, could you come out for a minute?'' She asks.

''Where are you?'' I ask.

''Just down the street from your house.'' Bridget states. I can hear voices in the background.

''One second.'' I turn to Dawn. ''Dawn, could I possibly go see Bridget for a while? She's just down the street.''

''Fine. Don't be two hours like yesterday.'' Dawn glares. Elliot looks at me, and tries not to laugh.

''Okay! Thanks Dawn.'' I put the phone back to my ear. ''Alright, I'll see you in a second.''

''Bye.'' She says, and we both hang up. I wave at Dawn and Elliot, run up the stairs, change into street clothes, put on my shoes, and walk out the door and down the street to Bridget.

''Hey.'' I smile.

''Hey, come this way.'' Bridget says, as we walk. ''Did you sleep last night?''

''Yeah! It felt awesome.'' I sigh, and Bridget just laughs.

''Good.'' We turn a corner, and I see the Mew Mews, Wesley, Mini Mew, and the Cyniclons.

''Hey guys.'' I wave, and everyone waves back.

''Bridget wanted us to explain our plan.'' Sardon says. ''First, we have explained everything to the other Cyniclons, and they've taken our side. They want to restore our planet with Blue Aqua.''

''But we need all your help.'' Tarb explains.

''So we're all gonna find the Blue Aqua together, and then we will return home, and restore our planet!'' Dren finishes.

''Okay, good plan.'' I smile.

"Just one problem." Sardon says.

"Which is?" I raise an eyebrow.

"We have no idea where to find it." Tarb shrugs.

"No big deal, since we're working together it'll take no time at all." I smile.

"Alright!" Everyone exclaims.

"We will only need a small amount, so it won't be long until we can return home!" Sardon says happily. Tarb and Dren smile.

"Are you guys excited to be returning home?" Bridget smiles.

"Yes, I've missed home." Sardon says. I notice Tarb looking at Kikki with a disappointed look in his eyes. Kikki looks to him, and he blushes and turns away. Kikki has a sad smile on her face as she looks at him. I turn away, and Dren is looking at me. I look at him for a second, but then I look away. I guess once we find the Blue Aqua I won't see him anymore. He'll be going home, and I'll be staying here. I guess it dosen't matter. What did I expect?

"Hey Mark!" Zoey exclaims. I see Mark walking towards us from down the street.

"Hey Zoey." Mark waves.

"I gotta go guys! I called Mark when we got back, and we're hanging out today! Bye!" Zoey smiles before running down the street towards Mark. When she gets to him they turn around and walk away, and Zoey has the biggest smile on her face.

"Alright, well I guess we're starting the search without her." Corina rolls her eyes, but smiles.

"Alright! Let's go!" Kikki walks ahead of all of us, and we all follow.

"Bridget, I can't be to long. Dawn's mad about yesterday." I shrug.

"Okay, we'll continue searching after you leave." Bridget laughs.

"Okay." I smile. We walk down towards town in search of Blue Aqua, and Dren, Tarb, and Sardon's ticket home.

Changing Perspective -A Mew Mew Power Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now