♥ anger

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Hey friend! Why do you temper?
When we always need to be dear,
Kind and friendly nature, we have to rear,
In yourself, others - those both near and dear.

Being cool and controlling temper is not a cup of tea,
Truth it is but we don't have anything else to be.
It's our best rival, enemy and devil that is,
We have to choose to live by every surrounding bliss.

People in the world forget them all,
Because they know it's like by hand hitting the wall.
Pain it gives by every rack,
It's nature it is to give it by every wrack.

Burning that lives, Heat those enemies and Cool dear friends is the only way it has known,
So is it anger, that has no other way to be drowned.
Leaves us completely heartbroken,
Shattered and ruined to be the only thing to learn.

So I pray to you my friend in rage,
Let you and me take up that pledge.
To try leaving every temperaments,
For being cool in every mind and soul,
Because it is called Anger, that's the most infamous.

A/N: this is one of my older poems, hope you like it!
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Loads of love,

~ Sara

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