Will you still love me?
Even if I said my beauty faded to dust
This life took away the golden look
My beauty no longer being charming?Will you still love me?
Even if I am no longer able to comfort you?
My words stitching up your pain
Making it alright.Will you still love me?
Even if I said I was no longer capable
Of moving around or even giving you food
Cause I was caged to this chair
That holds my dear life?Will you still love me?
If I said I would be no more
In a matter of some days or months
Cause this cancer has torn up my soul
Eating me up from inside
Making me a hollow shell?Will you still love me?
If all I asked was love and care
And I wasn't even able to give you
A part of it?©Saramitra
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Journey to the Depth of my Soul ✓
Poetry❝you've been broken for long, come, let me heal you again❞ the darkest valleys of soul have been broken for long. let's burn our inner flames again, soaring so high, it makes the stars smile again. let the journey begin. bon voyage. ✦•··············...