♥ it has been a while

70 17 24

It has been a while since I last had that talk,
That took all my burdens away.
It has been a while since I last had that laugh,
That made me feel like a child.
It has been a while since I last had that hug,
That made me feel as light as air.
It has been a while since I last had that kiss,
That ringed through the very being of me.
It has been a while since I last had that peace,
That comforted me through the core.
All I find is chaos and a broken mind,
With no one to care when I am doomed.
Fake affections and sugar sweet words,
A poison to comfort me for a while.
It has been a while since I last died,
Let me just die out of this once again.

Thanks for stopping by to read!
Loads of love,

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