Roshni was born into a very wealthy family and, as was the norm, she was raised on a silver platter. She neither knew nor understood what life truly was.
Years passed in a haze, and she remained cocooned in her comfort zone. Then, one fine Thanksgiving Day, when all the relatives had gathered, she found herself alone in her room, as she rarely socialized.
Resting her chin on her knees, she wondered what to do. She heard a strange noise out of nowhere. She was scared; she had no idea what it was and handling such situations was not her forte.
Roshni stood up, trembling with fear. A voice said, "No need to be afraid of me. I won't harm you. I just need your help, and you're the only one who can assist me."
She replied, "Why me? Who are you and why are you here?"
The voice was neither human nor animal; it had a metallic tone with a barrel-like resonance. Despite her fear, she agreed to help.
Through a secret portal, she reached a cellar. She was horrified by what she saw — a skeleton in handcuffs, positioned in a grotesque manner. She couldn't comprehend the logic of such a sight.
The voice continued, "That used to be my body. Now, it's just a skeleton, just as everyone becomes after death. No color, creed, caste, or nationality can change that. It's the same for everyone around the globe. I was tortured to death and left in this cellar without food. My own brother did this to me. I know it sounds like a made-up story, but it's true. No one has believed me until now. The only relief you can provide is through love. If you promise to place flowers on my grave by midnight, it will give me peace and help me return to my world instead of roaming here. Can you do that?"
She thought deeply and finally agreed. She exited the portal and, through a secret alley in her home, ventured out to the grave and placed the flowers. It was slightly stormy but her determination pushed her beyond her comfort zone. She had never felt motivated to do anything but this time, her gut told her otherwise.
When she placed the flowers, she felt a slight electric tingle and a profound sense of peace. She didn't know what it was, but it felt soothing, almost as if the unknown voice was thanking her. She returned home safely, finding everyone in the hall with bewildered and tense expressions. They had been searching for her. She finally appeared with a big smile on her face. Her brother asked, "Where were you?"
She responded with a glowing smile, "I went on an adventure and felt something extraordinary. I experienced the essence of life in the most beautiful way and the peace I feel now is unmatched like never before."
Inspired from the story, "The Canterville Ghost"
Thanks for stopping by,

Journey to the Depth of my Soul ✓
Poesía❝you've been broken for long, come, let me heal you again❞ the darkest valleys of soul have been broken for long. let's burn our inner flames again, soaring so high, it makes the stars smile again. let the journey begin. bon voyage. ✦•··············...