Brother, do you know the best time I think to be in the whole day?
It's that every single moment I've spent with you, when everyone's away.
That every single laughs we've laughed,
And that every joke you've cracked.That every single part of our normal discussion,
All those which were created and of imagination.
That every single debate that we always fought,
Which we enjoyed and no one won as we thought.That every single talk that we still have now,
Forgetting not to bring a small smile though low.
That every single day I have spent with you,
That every single moment I have sung with you.Brother, I will always thank you in my heart,
For you have changed my life by your great art.
Lost I was, all alone to myself except my own scary shadows,
But you supported and guided me just the way as were my needs.You know Brother, the main lone in my life was of siblings,
You prospered it far more than other well beings.
Anna, you are just great and the greatest in my level,
Caring, affectionate and guiding at every single level.Supporting others, caring, guiding and helping is the only thing you have known.
Sometimes I do wonder that ever you helped yourselves as you have grown.
You have made your character so unique and pleasant smelling in nature
Oh, just forget me, Even others would say you undefinable creature.So great and so heart touching nature you have built,
Always refreshing and nourishing the flowers that wilt,
There are no enough words that I can say to just describe you,
For that every great help and moment I rend my soul unto you.- Saramitra
Thanks for stopping by,

Journey to the Depth of my Soul ✓
Poetry❝you've been broken for long, come, let me heal you again❞ the darkest valleys of soul have been broken for long. let's burn our inner flames again, soaring so high, it makes the stars smile again. let the journey begin. bon voyage. ✦•··············...