♥ thanks to you

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To the guy whom I called Varun Dhawan,
Hope you're doing fine cause I'm not sure how am I really doing.
Your name slipped smoothly through my throat,
Like milk and honey, your taste made me soar.
I think you remember our last countenance.
Cause I certainly do,
And will forever cherish in my heart.

I don't even think you remember my name
Cause you were the one who made my life dame.

Thanks to you, I saw the real world,
The naïveté finally slipping out of my doors.
Thanks to you, I saw a different world,
The one I lived in, was all a lie.
Thanks to you, I felt a different girl,
My warmth forever coursing through your storms.

~ to a crush who would never remember me.

Thanks to you, life was full of storms. Not the storms that destroy your life, but the ones that make you rebuild your life


Thanks for stopping by,

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