India, a land of different cultures,
A land of different sculptures,
And a land of different colours.
Each person is unique here
And so is each religion.
Everyone has their own beliefs,
And not everyone's at relief.
Some are rich,
While some are poor.
Some live in abundance,
While some have the least.
But agree as you might,
Its indeed a wonderful country,
With all its different traditions.©Saramitra
I thought, why not write a poetry on being Indian, and so I wrote :3
Heya! Thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day/night!
Loads of love,

Journey to the Depth of my Soul ✓
Poesía❝you've been broken for long, come, let me heal you again❞ the darkest valleys of soul have been broken for long. let's burn our inner flames again, soaring so high, it makes the stars smile again. let the journey begin. bon voyage. ✦•··············...