Acrostic based on PRIDE FOREVER
Pave your way to the future
Rule your world
Indeed you're unique
Dream high & achieve it
Every year we celebrate youFreedom is yours to choose
Overthink not my friend
Relish your being
Everytime you stay awesome
Very Strong & Powerful you're
Enlighten the world with your rays of sunshine
Respect for you, in our hearts always.©Saramitra
This is a pride month and thought, why not write something unique?
Thanks for stopping by to read! Stay awesome! Love ya!!

Journey to the Depth of my Soul ✓
Poetry❝you've been broken for long, come, let me heal you again❞ the darkest valleys of soul have been broken for long. let's burn our inner flames again, soaring so high, it makes the stars smile again. let the journey begin. bon voyage. ✦•··············...