Lost in this darkness
I wanna find the light
Brightness illuminates all 'round me
But I'm scared to step ahead
Something inside holds me back
I keep shattering the heart
That once healed me
Cause I'm way too scared
To hurt it again.
I want to console that broken heart
That was thrown away in madness
Into this vicious dorm of darkness.
That soul that sees not the light
Nor do I see a smile on that face.
Reality hits hard on me
I do not know where to go,
Nor do I know how to console.
I'm a failure, a complete failure
And all my life's a lie
A lie full of sweet webs
That holds me in illusion
Each day, the truth dawns on me
And it makes me cry at dusk
Where do I go now?
Where do I find.. peace..?
Lost, shattered, broken, haywire, messed up..
Some small words to define me
But where I go now is darkness
Where I end on is darkness
And this light will one day
Leave me too, this shadow will leave me too
Angels will leave my path
And devils will conquer it again
Yet I find this will in my heart
To hold it together and fight it till the end,
Cause I'm a born warrior
And this time, I assure you,
I'll win it all and find myself once again.©Saramitra
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Journey to the Depth of my Soul ✓
Poetry❝you've been broken for long, come, let me heal you again❞ the darkest valleys of soul have been broken for long. let's burn our inner flames again, soaring so high, it makes the stars smile again. let the journey begin. bon voyage. ✦•··············...