You're my ray of sunshine in the mist of dark
Who saves me from falling down apart
You're the breeze that plays with my hair
When I am wishing everyone to be fair
You're the cold wind that blows on my face
When life turns upon me a heated daze.But now the sunshine is gone
Underneath now lies the dark
The one who saved you from falling down
Now needs to be saved now
If you dare, then try save me.Oh that I would.
With my entire heart and bleeding soul
I will save you from all your dangers.
I'd trade the entire world for you my love.But what if your love isn't enough for me?
What if I need something more?
And what if the thing I need is not there?That'd never happen my love,
I'd trade the entire universe just to save you,
trust me, hold my hand and walk with me.I would gladly hold your hand
Just promise that you'll walk with me to the end.
Promise me that you'd never leave
Say that you love be with me.Aye, I'll gladly do that,
set the stars,
sun and the moon only to gain your trust back,
to bring your back from dark, will you be mine, my love?
Will you hold my hand too?Yes, I would always hold your hand
Be with you till the end.
In heaven or in hell
I don't care what people think
I only care about one
And now it's with me.I see you standing there in broken pieces,
yet so intricately beautiful.
You're the ray of light I search for,
let's walk this together now.Let's make a new start
Forgetting everything in the past
I know it'll be hard to do
But it is possible if I'm with youLights brighten up our way,
let's see the path it lays,
and find what's there for us,
we'll walk this hand in hand.Let's come out of this darkness
And put this world on daze
With our fierce love and passion.We'll make it a better place
Hands in hand,
Deep in the hearts
And soulstrings attached
Who wouldn't fall for this ecstatic beauty
And my love, I'm glad I share this bond with thee.Thanks for stopping by,

Journey to the Depth of my Soul ✓
Poetry❝you've been broken for long, come, let me heal you again❞ the darkest valleys of soul have been broken for long. let's burn our inner flames again, soaring so high, it makes the stars smile again. let the journey begin. bon voyage. ✦•··············...