Chapter 1 •the start•

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Everyone was waiting for Chishiya and Niragi in the room, no one knew where they were.
"Where are they? They're already 10 minutes too late!" Said Last Boss desperately.
"I don't know. Let's just wait 5 minutes more, if they don't show up it's their problem." Said Aguni looking to the clock.
Suddenly two guys entered in the room yelling at each other.
"I'M GOING TO SHOT YOU!" Said the guy with piercings pointing his gun to the small blonde one.
"Do it. I'd like to see you trying" Said the other one trying to mess with him.
"Finally! What toke you so long?" said Last Boss who was near from slapping them.
"Chishiya came to me and started talking shit!"
"Being more specific", said Chishiya looking at Aguni. "I heard you're going to play tomorrow, so wanted to ask you if I could go to the game with you."
Aguni looked confused but ended up saying yes.
"Yes?? No way! I always go to you to the games! The best one goes with the boss, those are the rules!" Said Niragi looking to Aguni and than to Chishiya.
"And you call yourself the best? Please Niragi, don't make me laugh. The only thing you can do is shot people and sorry for telling you this, but a gun won't save you forever." Said Chishiya giving a little smile to Niragi.
"All right, both of you stop now! You're already to late so just sit down and yell at each other later!" Said Aguni.
Both set down and started the meeting.

After a half hour the meeting was done and everyone went back to their rooms, except Niragi and Chishiya. Aguni wanted to talk to them.
"You two really need to get along together. I'm sick of hearing you always yelling at each other over silly things. If you don't get along in a week, we're going to have serious problems. Did you understand me?"
They nodded and went to their rooms.

Chishiya was in his room reading a book, till suddenly someone knocked on the door.
"Nope, Niragi. Now open the door!"
Chishiya sighed deeply and opened the door.
"What do you want?" He said in a cold way.
"Aren't you coming?"
Niragi laughed for a second but then realized that Chishiya really didn't know what he meant.
"Are you talking serious?"
"I'm always talking serious"
"To the beach party, duh. Everyone is going and you too"
Chishiya just stared at Niragi for 5 seconds and then said: "no thanks." And closed the door in his face.
"Of course you are! Aguni said we need to get along together, so you're going!"
"You really listen to everything he says, don't you?" Said the blonde one laughing at his face.
"I'm trying to be nice, so you better come."
Said Niragi, but didn't help. Chishiya just locked the door and totally ignored him.
"You little a$$hole! Fine, I'll go alone then!"
And then he went to the beach party yelling at everyone in his way there.

Niragi went get a drink and started dancing with some girls. After dancing for twenty minutes he got tired and set in a chair.
It was getting boring for him, till he heard someone.
"This is what you call a beach party? I really shouldn't have come."
Niragi turned around and there he was, Chishiya, a small blonde boy with a very confident look on his face.
Somehow he felt happy for seeing him.
Niragi smiled at him and asked if he wanted to drink something.

So this was the first chapter, hope you like it:)
The next one will be coming soon.

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