Chapter 14 •Body heat•

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On the next day Chishiya and Niragi needed to play a game, cause both played together last time.
They entered in the car and no one spoke to the other. They were just sitting there, staring at the wall.
"I'm not ashamed, okay?"
Said Chishiya breaking the silence.
„Ashamed of what?"
„Of us. I'm not. Not of you or of us, happy?"
„Prove it" Said Niragi coming closer.
„What? How?"
„I don't know. Surprise me. Show me that you're not ashamed of us, that everyone can know about us. When you prove me that, than we're fine. Deal?" Said Niragi stretching his hand.
Chishiya stared at him who was smiling, and than at his hand.
„Deal" He said shaking his hand.

They finally arrived to the game area.
They needed to go to different rooms in two groups. Niragi and Chishiya went to a room, Usagi and Arisu to the other and other people who they didn't know went to different rooms too.
They got a bracelet with a little thermometer in it.
„Game: Body heat.
Rules: Both players have a thermometer in their bracelets, your aim is to make the temperature raise to 100%.
The temperature is your body heat.
You have 20 minutes.
Game starts now: 20:00" Was written in the phone.
"Body heat... maximal temperature.." Said Chishiya whispered to himself thinking of how he's gonna do that.
"Any idea?" Said Niragi completely clueless of what to do.
"Let me think.."
"Think faster than!"
Chishiya was thinking and the time was passing.
"Chishiya, we only have 18 minutes left, we already lost 2 minutes just standing here thinking of a plan. You better have a idea soon!"
"Calm down, okay?! I have one, but.."
"But what???"
Chishiya stared at Niragi who was nervous because of the time.
"But you won't like it.."
"I don't care! Just tell me your freaking idea now. Otherwise we're all gonna die!!!" He said yelling at Chishiya.
"Our aim is to get our body heat 100% warm. Our body temperature gets higher depending on our emotions or on what we're doing"
"Yeah, and what now?"
"Sweating makes the temperature higher, but we don't have enough time to practice some sport now, we only have 15 minutes left. Which means the only way to get our body heat higher is..."
Chishiya didn't finish the sentence. Instead he just got red and stayed in silence.
"Is what??? Is what god damn it?? Chishiya, speak you little pea-" Niragi was interrupted by a kiss. Chishiya came closer to him and toke his shirt off while they were kissing.
"The only way to get our body heat higher is to have s€x. Our body will get nervous which is something emotional that makes the temperature higher and our body will sweat at the same time. Which is something physical that makes us warmer too.
Mixing both will make the temperature go to 100% in the short time we have.
I know we're not good, but I honestly don't want to die and I don't think you either"
Niragi stayed in silence thinking about the situation, but after checking out how much time they had, he pushed Chishiya to a wall and started kissing him.
Both toke their clothes off as fast as they could. Niragi licked, kissed and bit every part of Chishiya's body while Chishiya quietly moaned in his ear.
"I'm gonna put it in" Said Niragi coming in and doing up and down movements while holding Chishiya's hips.
The blonde one just made the movements with him while he kissed his neck. It was warm, even thought both kinda of broke up, it seemed like both wanted it so bad. It felt good. They didn't do that since a long time, they missed that feeling. The feeling of being close to someone.
"How long do we have?" Asked Chishiya.
Niragi looked at the phone.
"9 minutes"
"And how high is your body heat?"
"70%, yours?"
"75%. I have a idea, let's go to the floor" Said Chishiya, and so did they.
Chishiya laid down and Niragi was on his top. Niragi started touching his body and grabbing his ass.
After some minutes of f*cking Chishiya's phone said:
"Your Body heat is 100% warm. Congratulations, you passed the game.
Game over"
Chishiya smiled happily.
"What about you Niragi?"
Niragi checked how much % he had now in the phone.
"..95%.. we only have three minutes left"
Niragi started panicking, he didn't wanted to die.
"Get on the floor, I'm gonna top you"
"You what???"
"Get on the god damn floor!" Said Chishiya very bossy and so did Niragi. Chishiya needed to admit, he loved it when Niragi did what he wanted, he felt so powerful.
Chishiya tried his best to be fast, the time was almost over. He licked, kissed, grabbed and bit Niragi's whole body. He did everything possible he could have done to his body.
"Chishiya we only have two minutes left" Said Niragi very nervous.
Chishiya went down and started licking Niragi's d!ck.
Niragi moaned a little but not too loud.
Hearing that made Chishiya nervous and at the same time it felt good, his body felt warmer.
"Moan..." Said Chishiya whispering to himself.
"Moan? What the heck are you saying?"
"Niragi, f*ck me" He said very fast and so Niragi.
"Chishiya we only have one minute left and it's still by 98%. I hope you know what you're doing"
Niragi started doing down and up movements. Chishiya came closer to him and started moaning in his ear. He tried to moan as loud as he could. Hearing that surely made Niragi's body warmer.
"Your Body heat is 100% warm. Congratulations, you passed the game.
Game over" Was also written by Niragi's phone.
By hearing that both laid on the floor exhausted. They toke a breath and made a break. They did it, they're still alive.
"Oh god, it actually worked.."
"Of course it worked, I'm clever Niragi"
Niragi laughed but changed his face to a serious look again. He set up and turned around to Chishiya.
"You know, we only did this to survive, I'm still mad and you know what you need to do, right?"
"I know" Said Chishiya standing up and dressing himself.

After the game both went back to the beach. Chishiya went talk to Kuina who was outside waiting for him.
"You're back! So, how was the game?"
"Boring. Anyways, what if we go to the city tomorrow? There may be some interesting things in some shops or house's. Maybe even some cards"
"Are you kidding me? Do you even listen to what Aguni says?"
"No I don't, why? What's gonna happen tomorrow?"
Kuina rolled her eyes seeing how screwed up her bff would be if she wouldn't tell him everything that Aguni says.
"The beach is getting more equipment, so Aguni and the militants are going to show everything new and tell us some new rules that Aguni decided. It's gonna be in the center of the beach so everyone can see them in the top"
"Everyone will be there?" He asked curious.
"Yeah, it's obligatory. Why?"
"I think I have a idea, but.. it may be a little embarrassing"
"A idea for what?" She asked confused.
"Come here?" He said coming closer to her and whispering something in her ear.
"Wait, are you really planing on doing that?"
"Wow, that's really brave of you"
"Okay, so make sure you take your phone with you tomorrow and text me when they start talking, okay?"
"Okay. See yah tomorrow than" Said Kuina going to her room.
"See yah"

So this is the new chapter, I know the s€x scene was horrible, I'm sorry I'm a horrible writer ☠️
But anyways tell me some ideas you have for the story or for new ones I should do and please follow me! Ly guys^^

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