Chapter 8 •Niragi's past•

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„Get the f*ck out of me Niragi" Said Chishiya trying to take Niragi's hands of him.
„Tell me god damn it! AM I FREAKING GAME FOR YOU?!"
Niragi started getting angry, he couldn't control himself. He usually toke pills in situations like this, bu they weren't here.
„Niragi you're hurting me"
said Chishiya, but in a very calm way, so he wouldn't make Niragi angrier.
He knew Niragi had anger issues, even thought it really hurt, even thought he could die like that, he didn't yelled at him.
„Niragi, it's hurting"
Niragi was stopped by Aguni who was pointing
a gun to his head.
„Let him go Niragi"
Niragi was still angry, he started laughing. Not a normal laugh, not Chishiya's superior laugh, but his laugh. A psychopathic laugh who only he had, he laughed like that when he was out of control.
„What you're doing to him already is a punishment you idiot! Watch what you're doing! Do you even realize how strong you are?!" Said Aguni pointing with his finger to Chishiya's neck.
Niragi saw what he was doing, Chishiya's face was getting red, he couldn't breath well, he saw him trying to take his hands out of his neck.
Niragi realized what he was doing, so he stopped.
„*coff coff*" Chishiya started coughing, he couldn't stop.
Niragi toke two steps behind, he felt bad for what he just did to him. He didn't wanted to do that.
Aguni came closer to Chishiya, who was laying in the floor.
„All right, now breath in and breath out, slowly"
And so did Chishiya.

After they calmed down the game started.
It was a question game. Everyone had a helmet on, which was electric.
They needed to answer some questions, who lied, got a 100V electricity shock.
You could only lie three times, otherwise, you're death.
Six rounds were over and eight people already lost.
Chishiya didn't understand how stupid they were to already loose in the sixth round.
He figured out that he didn't need to say the truth, if they lied and stayed completely calm, the helmet would see that as a right answer.
There were twenty rounds, and finally the last one came.
Everyone who already answered it could go, they were done playing.
There was only Chishiya and Niragi left, Chishiya never got an electric shock, now Niragi in a different way already got a shocked two times.
The screen asked the question for Chishiya:
„Have you ever been in love with someone?"
„No" Chishiya's answer was short and cold, his helmet felt and in his phone was written "game over".
Now it was Niragi's turn.
„Niragi, don't mess it up now, you only have one chance"
„Yeah yeah, it'll be easy" Said the Black haired very confident, so the screen asked the question:
„Suguru Niragi, is it truth that you were physically and sexually abused as a kid?"
Niragi was paralyzed reading that question. His eyes weren't moving, he started sweating while his body was trembling.
„Wait! Don't answer it yet!" Chishiya ran to him and got on his knees in front of him.
„Look, everyone is gone, we're alone. Say the truth, okay? We're alone here, no one will judge you"
Niragi stared at the question in the screen and than at the blonde one who seemed to be calm and worried at the same time.
„You're sure they're gone?"
„Yes I am"
Niragi toke a deep breath and answered it calmly.
„Yes it's true"
„Game Over" was written in his phone. His helmet fell and he toke a deep breath.

They went back to the beach and Niragi didn't talk to anyone since the game ended. He stayed in silence. He didn't argue with anyone, didn't spoke, flirt or even f*ck with some girl. He stayed in his room for the whole day. He didn't eat anything either.
While he was in his room everyone else was eating dinner together.
"Where's Niragi?" Asked Ann worried.
"In his room, he has been there for at least five hours" Said Aguni.
"It doesn't matter," Said Chishiya who knew why he was like that, "It's personal for him"
"And you know why? Isn't it weird? I mean,  you two have been very close to each other. Not even I know why, and you do? Is there something you wanna tell us Chishiya?"
Said Last boss who still thought they had something together.
"It just happened that I was there when it happened" Said the blonde one who was now a little angry. He knew what Last Boss thought about him, he just ignored him. He didn't liked him either, why should he waste his precious time with someone like him?
"Anyways, he should at least eat something" Said Usagi a little worried.
"I'll bring him food" Said Chishiya who already has put some food in a plate.
"I know why he's like that, it's clever if I go" Said the blonde again who already left the room.

He arrived in Niragi's room.
Chishiya might be rude, but he was formal. He knocked on Niragi's door and after not getting an answer he just came in.
Niragi was in his bed eating the sweets Last Boss gave him and looking at some old pictures.
"Go away" Said the guy with some piercings laying in his bed.
Chishiya just stared at him and came closer.
"Are you deaf? I said you should leave"
"I brought you food"
Niragi heard that and finally he set up and toke the food.
He was really hungry, hasn't eat anything since the morning.
Chishiya used that moments while he was eating to go take a look at the old pictures of him.
There was a teenage boy with glasses and short black hair. There was no piercings and no bad boy clothes. He was surprised how much Niragi changed.
Chishiya could see by the way he was dressed that he was in a university. Probably a good one. He didn't know Niragi was that clever, for him he was just an animal who didn't think twice before doing anything.
Seeing one picture were Niragi was smiling made him smile too. Seeing him so happy, made him feel good. He didn't know why, but he liked that feeling.
"Wait, are you looking at  the pictures? Oh god, no! Give it back!"
Said Niragi who was done with eating.
"Why? I already saw them all anyways"
"It's embarrassing! I looked so ugly!"
Chishiya laugh because Niragi was trying to take the pictures of his hands but no luck, he was still lazy and week because he stayed the whole day in his bed eating sweets.
"You don't look ugly Niragi, you actually look cute" Niragi could see him smiling looking at the picture, yupe, you heard that, Chishiya Shuntaro smiling over a picture.
That made Niragi smile too.
"I used to get bullied because I was ugly"
Chishiya looked confused at him and than at the picture.
"That's impossible, if you got bullied over something, than because they were jealous of your look"
That comment made Niragi smile, a bright happy smile, just like in the picture. He got a little red too, he never got a compliment, and sure not one coming from Chishiya.
"Wait, is Suguru Niragi really blushing because of me? This really is getting better" He said coming closer to him.
"Shut up!" Said the embarrassed black haired who covered his face with a pillow.
"You know, hiding just your face won't help"
Said the Blondie laughing at him.
Niragi pushed Chishiya to top of him. He was literally laying on him.
"What's this supposed to be?" He asked a little embarrassed.
"Now I'm hiding my whole body, just like you said"
Both laughed and without realizing it, they were hugging each other.
As they stopped laughing they just stayed there, one laying on the top of the other, and the other one with his hands around the hips of the other.
After a while laying like that Niragi stopped the silence.
"Wanna take a bath together?"
Chishiya stayed in silence for some seconds.
"Should I think in a pervert way or not?"
"No, not today. Let's just take a normal bath"
Chishiya was surprised, normally Niragi just wanted to f*ck all the time, this was new.
"Sure.." He said going to the bathroom.
"Okay, I'm just going to bring the plate downstairs. Wait for me here. You can already go to the bath" Said Niragi opening the door and leaving.
As he came back he was surprised, Chishiya wasn't in the bath, he was cleaning his room.
"What are you doing?" He said confused.
"How can you leave in such a dirty room? I'm just putting a order to it, it's what you at least could do"
Niragi came closer to him and put his hands around his hips.
"Ah come on Shiya, you can do that later. Let's take a shower now"
Chishiya had a little side smile in his face.
"Did you call me Shiya?"
"Yes. I heard Kuina calling you like that and I thought it's a cute nickname"
Chishiya blushed a little hearing that, so to hide it he went to the bathroom. "Let's go, the water is going to get cold otherwise"
Both went to the bathroom and started taking a bath together.

WARNING: I'll try to do a new chapter every day or at least every second day. If I for some reason don't post anything in one or two days. I'll try to post it in the third day and of course tell you the reason why.
I hope you enjoy it till now^^


Dori Sakurada (Niragi) 👀💞

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Dori Sakurada (Niragi) 👀💞

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