Chapter 9 •"It's a pleasure to meet you.."•

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Niragi started taking his clothes off. But before he toke his boxers off, he saw Chishiya standing in front of him only with boxers.
He was crossing his arms and looked kinda of insecure.
„Something wrong?"
„No", said the blonde staring at him, „I'm just waiting for you"
They stared at each other for some seconds.
„Do you want me to take my clothes off first?"
Chishiya didn't want to seem insecure or ashamed, so he tried to stay confident and calm.
„Sure, why not.."
After Niragi toke his clothes off and went to the bath, Chishiya did the same.
Niragi was laying with his backs to the wall and Chishiya was sitting in front of him.
Chishiya laid himself on the chest from Niragi.
He was so close, Niragi could feel their bodies touching. Niragi hold Chishiya's hips and gave him a kiss from behind on the check, which made Chishiya blush a little.
They were having a good time. They were talking, hugging each other, sometimes they even started kissing and touching their bodies. After a while just sitting there in silence, Chishiya decided to break the silence and ask something.
„What's your dream Niragi?"
„Huh? What kind of question is that?"
Chishiya stared to his face and started talking again.
„What was your dream before you came here?"
Niragi was thinking about what it was, he kinda forgot it too.
„I think I wanted to go to New York"
„New York?"
„Yupe. I mean, we gotta dream high, am I right?"
Chishiya laughed, and that made Niragi smile.
„What about you?"
„I don't know, probably get rich or something, I don't know, something like that"
Niragi could see that Chishiya didn't seem very interested in this conversation, even thought he started it, so he tried to be cute.
„What if we put our dreams together?"
„What do you mean?"
„You know what? I have a new dream now.
I'm going to finish my university and than we're going to New York. You and me. and than we're going to get rich! We're going to live together and the rest we'll see. What do you think?"
He really was trying to be cute, but he forgot with who he was talking to. Chishiya Shuntaro.
Chishiya looked away in a kind of sad face.
Besides seeing him smiling, seeing him sad was rare too.
Actually every feeling he showed was rare to see, that boy seemed to be made of stone!
„What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"
„No no, it's just..", He set up getting a little away from Niragi, but not totally. He still could feel Niragi's body touching his.
„How can you be so sure about that?"
„Shiya, it's just a dream. I know New York is expensive and stuff, but-„
He was interrupted by Chishiya.
„No, not the New York thing, us Niragi. Us. How can you be so sure we'll know each other after we come back. I mean, I don't know anything about you. I know your name and that's it. You probably were a whole other person, just like me, you don't know if you'd like me like I was. Or me, I don't know if I would like you like that. You don't know anything about me and me neither about you. Your family, live, relationships, problems, place you live, I don't know anything Niragi! It's like we never have met each other.."
He said that staring down.
Niragi saw water drops falling down from his face, he didn't knew if it was the water of his hair or tears. He was praying for the first option.
Niragi didn't know what to say, I mean, Chishiya did have a point, but he wanted to make him feel comfortable next to him. He wanted him to feel good next to him! He knew they weren't dating, but still, he liked him. He really did.
„Hi, my name is Suguru Niragi", he said putting Chishiya's hair behind his ear.
Chishiya looked at him.
„I'm a student in a university, I live with my parents in an apartment. I actually like them a lot, they're always here when I need.
I don't have any siblings, never had a girl- or boyfriend. I get bullied because of my look and I'm actually very clever. I was a very kind and calm person, my anger issues only came in very stressed situations. Otherwise I was calm.
Sometimes I work at a cafeteria to get some extra money. My life is pretty simple and normal, besides the bullying thing.
So yeah, that's me.
It's a pleasure to meet you Chishiya Shuntarō"
Chishiya was surprised. He wasn't expecting that. Not at all.
Niragi really could be cute when he wanted to.
That made Chishiya smile.
There it was, a smile. A true smile. He was happy, Niragi could see that.
He did it, he made him smile. That made him obviously smile too.
"What about you? Tell me a little"
"Well," Chishiya turned around so he could sit in front of Niragi and see his face.
"My name is Shuntarō Chishiya, I'm making a medicine course, sometimes I can help with operations or other stuff like that. I started living in an apartment alone since a half year. I have a mom and a dad, but we're not very close to each other. I actually don't know why, I guess they just didn't have much time for me and I liked being alone. I don't have friends, and I don't need any. I never dated anyone before and I'm fine with that. I always was calm and confident. The only thing that changed is that I used to be kinder and I smiled a little more than I do now.
So, That's me. It's a pleasure to meet you too Niragi Suguru"
Both stared at each other smiling.
Chishiya turned around again and laid himself on Niragi's chest. He was just laying there, smiling and feeling their bodies touching. It was warm. He put his head behind and stared at the man who was hugging him and playing with his hair.

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