Chapter 11 •Official daiting!•

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The reunion was nearly over and Niragi couldn't wait to ask Chishiya if he wanted to date him.
"All right, thank you all for coming and listening, I think you can go-"
Before Aguni could finish the sentence Niragi already toke Chishiya by the hand and started running with him to his room.
"Niragi! I'm not finished! Come back!"
But the boy just ignored Aguni and kept running.
Chishiya was laughing, he loved to see how annoyed Aguni was.
Both entered in Niragi's room and this time Chishiya locked the door.
"Where's the hurry?"
"Can't wait to spend time with you" Said Niragi smiling.
"All right, can I choose the movie?"
"Go ahead"
After a while Chishiya chose the movie, it was a romance. Chishiya wasn't really the love type, but he liked those films.
"This is blahhh" Said Niragi showing his tongue.
"It's not blahh, it's romantic"
"I didn't know you were into romantic movies. Chishiya the most heartless person in the beach loves romance movies. Now that surprises me"
"It's not just the love", Said Chishiya who seemed to be insulted.
"It's the drama, the betrayal, how they play with those innocent hearts"
Niragi stared at him and ate a popcorn.
"I take back what I said, still heartless"
Chishiya smiled and laid his head on Niragi's chest.

After a while watching the movie Niragi stood up.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing", he said searching for something. "Just keep watching the movie. Ignore me"
"All right, ignore you is practically impossible, you just stood up and started searching for something. Can I help?"
"No, don't worry!"
"I'll put pause the movie"
"No need! I'll be fast! I didn't pay attention anyways, keep watching and than tell me what happened"
"Sure" said the blonde one. Chishiya was watching the movie alone. Besides Niragi's lous noises trying to find the something, it was completely silence there.
Chishiya stared at Niragi who was still searching. Than he got annoyed and paused the movie.
"All right, let me help you. It's not funny watching the movie without you anyways"
"Found it!"
Niragi came back to the bad and laid next to Chishiya.
"Okay, you can unpause the movie now"
"Are you kidding me? You just made such a mess trying to find something, you stopped the movie and now you don't want to tell me what it is? Talk. Now"
Niragi sighted.
"All right. Sit up"
Both set up and Niragi toke his hands.
"Look, I'm not good with this stuff, and don't you think I'm going to get on my knees or something, but I really like you Chishiya Shuntarō. Since we had our first time I lost the pleasure of having s£x with other people. Lately I can't stop thinking about you and I want you close to me, I want to see your smile every day and to see your cute face sleeping every morning. So, do you wanna date me?"
He said kinda messy but cute.
Chishiya laughed.
"Wow, really romantic huh?"
"Come on, don't start. Say yes, okay?"
"Of course it's a yes Niragi"
Niragi suddenly had a bright smile on his face.
"Really??? It's a yes??"
Chishiya nodded and Niragi jumped to his arms hugging him.
"I was so afraid you might say no"
Chishiya smiled and kissed him. It was a simple kiss, but the moment made the kiss special. Niragi put one ring in Chishiya's finger and the other one in his own finger.
Both smiled and hugged for some time.

Chishiya slept in Niragi's room.
In the morning Niragi woke up with his boyfriend playing with his hair.
„Good morning Suguru" Said Chishiya with a small smile.
„Good morning beautiful. *muaw*" Niragi gave him a little kiss.
After Niragi finally stopped being annoying hugging and kissing Chishiya, he finally let him dress himself and both went to the cafeteria.
„I need to speak with Last Boss, I'll catch you up later, okay?" Said Niragi looking at Last Boss.
„Sure. See yah"
And both went to different directions.

Chishiya saw Kuina, Usagi and Arisu talking, or in better words yelling.
„Arisu, calm down. He didn't do anything"
Said Usagi.
„Yes he did! He came really close to you, he was near from touching you!"
„I can handle it by myself! Thanks!"
„Fine! You're welcome!"
And both stayed in silence.
„What's going on here?"
„A guy asked me if I wanted to eat dinner by his apartment, and I said no. Than Arisu put his arm around my shoulders pretending to be my boyfriend so he would leave"
„He was checking you out! It was just a questioning of Time till he touched you!"
Chishiya was laughing, which made everyone confused.
„I don't know who's dumber, Usagi or Arisu?"
„Excuse me?" Said Usagi.
„Don't be mad, it's just first of all:
If it would have a fight between Usagi and that guy she would probably win. She would even win against you, Arisu, so there's no point trying to help someone who's stronger than you.
And secondly: Arisu wasn't trying to help you, but trying to show you how much he cares about you, cause that's what a boyfriend does.
He's in love with you and you're too Usagi.
So, I hope I made this easier for both of you know and please try to use your head to figure things out more. How I see, it's not working"
Usagi was blushing and Arisu too, both knew what Chishiya said was true.
„Hey Shiya!" Said someone who was coming from behind, Chishiya knew by the voice who it was. He's crazy boyfriend.
„Hey guys, what's up?" Said Niragi coming closer and grabbing Chishiya's ass.
„Suguru!" Said Chishiya embarrassed taking Niragi's hand off.
„Don't take it too serious, I'm just messing with you" Said Niragi smiling.
„Sure, anyways, need something?"
„Actually I do. I wanted to invite all of you to the obligatory", He said looking to Chishiya.
„Beach party. You must show up, otherwise you're going to have some problems with me" He says smiling at them.
„That's all, bye bye. See yah tonight" He goes closer to Chishiya's ear.
„Make sure to show up, I'll be waiting in the bar at 23:30"
„Okay, don't be Late"
„Don't worry, I won't" He says giving a little kiss in his chest. Chishiya got embarrassed while his friends were smiling at the cute couple.

Sry for the short chapter! I know this one is really sh!tty, but the next one will be very long!
So, I'll probably take one or two days for the next one.
Pls follow me! It helps a lot!
Comment some ideas if you have some^^

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