Chapter 4 •Catching feelings?•

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It was Saturday, and today was Chishiya's turn to clean the meeting-room.
Chishiya started by cleaning the windows, and then the table.
He really hated to clean the room, it felt like he was some poor guy. He felt like the people who aren't in his level, but he knew he was superior to most of the people here. Anyways, he just kept cleaning.

It was getting boring, he was alone.
He started thinking about the day he slept with Niragi, it suddenly came to his mind. He though it wasn't a big deal to sleep with someone, but he didn't get why he always had that memory in his mind. It just came and went away from nothing. It was driving him crazy. It felt like he liked it, he wanted it. Just couldn't admit it.

Suddenly someone gently took a lock of his hair, and put it behind his ear.
He could feel the person giving him a little kiss in the neck.
„Niragi?" He said without looking behind.
„What are you doing?" He turned around seeing his face.
„I need to clean, you're disturbing me"
„Jesus, you really are cold" Said Niragi laughing in a ironic way, while putting his hands around Chishiya's hips. He went closer to him, so their body's were touching each other.
Chishiya looked down to Niragi's hands touching his hips, and than up to his face. He saw him smiling.
„Yes I am cold. Got a problem with it?" He said trying to get Niragi's hands off him, but no luck. The boy was holding him tighter than he could imagine.
„No, actually I like when you're cold" He said coming closer to his ear,
„You look cute when you're angry"
He whispered that in his ear, and without even realizing their lips were already touching each other.
Niragi went to a tongue kiss, which Chishiya returned.
They started kissing more passionating.
Niragi put his hand on Chishiya's ass and pushed him to the table, so he could sit there.
They kissed for at least two minutes, till it was stopped by Niragi. That was new, mostly is Niragi who doesn't want to stop.
„So, I think I should let you clean, otherwise you're going to blame me for disturbing you"
Chishiya stayed in silence. He only stared at Niragi's eyes, in a passionating way. Niragi realized it and gave him a little kiss. Chishiya blushed and gave a little side smile that made Niragi blush even more.
Niragi gave him a little kiss on the check and went to his room.
Chishiya was just standing there watching him leaving for some seconds, but than started cleaning again. Somehow he felt sad that the kiss ended. That was making him crazy. He knew what that feeling was, and didn't want to feel it. He thought relationships are stupid. Kissing and sleeping together so you later fight with your partner and get your heart broken? No thanks. Anyways it would only distract him.

Chishiya was done with cleaning and went to his room to read a book. He was so tired that he fell asleep in the table.

The next day he woke up with the sound of two people talking.
He put his head up and saw Niragi and Kuina talking to each other.
„So now you just come here without asking him, is that it?" Kuina asked in her overprotectiv bff modus.
„So do you, as much as I can See" Niragi answered in a angry way.
„Of course I do. I'm his best friend! I can! It's normal for me!"
„And I slep with him, it's normal for me too! So now tell me, who do you think he wants to see, his best friend or his boyfriend?"
„Huh, you think You're his boyfriend? Please Niragi, he isn't that stupid to date you"
„Well not yet 'cause I didn't ask, but- THAT'S NOT THE POINT OKAY!?"
„What are you two doing here?" Chishiya asked rubbing his eyes. He was still sleepy and didn't understand about what both were talking.
„We brought you breakfast" Niragi said.
„No, I brought you breakfast and he stole it from me to give it to you!"
„It doesn't matter who brought it, enjoy your breakfast" Niragi said giving Chishiya a bright smile, and Kuina just rolling her eyes.
Seeing Niragi and Kuina both looking at him while he was eating, was a little awkward. He didn't like that much attention, so he stood up and opened the door.
„I'm going downstairs"
„Why???" both asked at the same time.
„I don't like it when people watch me while I'm eating"
„See? I told you to stay outside Niragi!" Kuina yelled at him.
„I'm talking about both of you" Chishiya turned around and went downstairs. Both stared him leaving and started fighting again. They just didn't get along well. Something that couldn't be changed.

Some days passed and Niragi and Chishiya sometimes kissed or flirted with each other, but nothing more.
„Hey Niragi!", Ann said going in his direction, „Aguni wants to see us all in the meeting-room"
„All right, let's go then"

Like usually Niragi set next to Chishiya and gave him a little side smile.
Chishiya was cold like ever and rolled his eyes to the other side.
„Thank you all for coming", said Aguni who just entered in the room.
"I called you to come here, because I think we have some traitors in the beach again. Some weapons and equipment who were in his room were stolen yesterday. Has anyone a idea how to find out who it was?"
„We could check everyone's room" Said Usagi.
„It would take us too long, we don't even know if it's in their rooms. It could be hidden somewhere" Said Ann looking at her.
„What if we watch the vigilant cameras?"
Arisu asked and Aguni agreed.
„Good idea Arisu, thank you"
Aguni put a screen in the front of everyone, so they all could watch what the video who was recorded by the vigilant cameras.
„All right, now let's see. It was on Saturday"
Suddenly Chishiya remembered that Niragi kissed him at that day while he was cleaning.
Than everyone would know about them.
He tried to stop Aguni from showing it to the others, but didn't work.
„Aguni, don't you think it's better if you just watch it alone? Than you can see the details better"
„Don't worry Chishiya. I'll watch it alone later"
Shit! What could he do now?

Sorry if this Chapter was a little boring, and I promise to post more at Friday or Saturday.
Hope you're enjoying it!
Tell me if you have some ideas for a chapter;)

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