Chapter 15 •Together again!•

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In the next day Chishiya was peaceful sleeping till someone called him.
"Kuina?" He asked picking up the phone.
"Where are you? The militants already started talking"
"Already?? I thought it was only at 11am" He said dressing himslef.
"No, it's at 9am, I told you! Wait, are you still sleeping?"
Chishiya stayed in silence not answering to the question.
"Chishiya! Hurry up!"
"I'm coming, wait for me next to the cafeteria"
He said and endet the call.

After 10 minutes Chishiya was finally ready and went to the cafeteria where Kuina was already waiting for him.
"Hey, did I lost something?" He asked.
"Nope, but about your plan, Niragi is already talking about the equipment and the weapons. He'll probably be done soon"
"Good, I'll go hide in the door next to the stage and you'll text me when he's done with talking, okay?"
„Fine, see yah later" She said and went back where all the people were standing and listening to the militants.
Chishiya hid himself next to the door where the militants were standing. They were in a little stage up so everyone from the beach could clearly see them.
„Chishiya" Said Kuina calling him. „Niragi is almost done, it's your opportunity! Now!"
Chishiya toke a deep breath. He was very nervous about this, but it was the only way.
He opened the door and walked in the stage.
„What are you doing here? Hey, Chishiya!" Said a militant trying to stop him, but no luck, Chishiya was really fast.
He ran in Niragi's direction. Everyone was confused, what is he doing there? They asked themselves.
„What the heck do you think you're doing? This is a presentation" Said Niragi confused and a little mad because he kinda of ruined the presentation.
„I'm doing what you asked me too" He said running to his arms and kissed him.
Niragi was completely surprised, he wasn't expecting that at all, neither him or the people from the beach.
Chishiya softly touched his face and Niragi put his hands around his hips. It was a simple kiss. Their lips were only touching and nothing more. No tongue, no movements, only the touch. But it wasn't the kiss that was special, but the moment. Kissing with no shame in a stage in front of everyone.
After some seconds Chishiya and Niragi stopped the kiss. They slowly removed their lips from each other. Chishiya held Niragi's hand and stared at him in the eyes. Niragi was smiling. He was so happy, no one ever did something like that for him, for love.
„Wow, that surprised me.." He said.
„I told you I'm not ashamed anymore. I just needed to wait for the right moment to prove it"
Niragi laid his head on Chishiya's and both smiled at each other.
Suddenly they heard many people from the beach and even some of the militants applauding. Chishiya like always got embarrassed and put his hood up.
„Come with me" He said. Niragi looked at Aguni waiting for he's approval. Aguni said yes by shaking his head up and down and both ran away.

They went outside, away from everyone. It was raining a little bit, but nothing special.
Niragi and Chishiya ran together holding their hands.
„Haha, I can't believe Chishiya Shuntarō actually kissed me in front of everyone. I didn't think you would do something like that"
„Don't underestimate me" Said Chishiya going for a little kiss.
„About us, are we still dating than?" He asked.
„Duhhh, of course! As if I would say no after that!" Said Niragi putting him up.
„Niragi! Put me down! I told you I'm heavy, you self said it!"
„You're not thaaaaaat heavy, and anyways I'm strong!"
„But I'm stronger"
„No you're not!" Said Niragi putting him down.
„Yes I am, I'm stronger and smarter and faster and much more, want me to do a list?"
„You little selfish rat!" He said giving him many kisses around his face. Chishiya got red and laughed. Both were just enjoying the moment and the rain. Together.

After a while they went back inside.
They wanted to go to Niragi's room but there was a little surprise waiting for them.
Last Boss was waiting for them in front of Niragi's room.
„Need something?" Said Niragi.
„So, You're Gay now? Really? That's weak Niragi, even for you"
„If You're came here to offend me, than you can leave. I am the f*ck I want to be, if you don't like it don't Good for you, I don't give a sh!t about that. I kiss, f*ck and date who I want. You don't get to choose, it's my life, not yours. Now you better go before I hit your god damn face. Thank you for this waste of time, sleep well" Said Niragi taking Chishiya by the hand and going to his room.
Before Chishiya entered in the room he looked at Last Boss with a face of victory.

Niragi and Chishiya were just like the usual, watching a movie, cuddling a little and sometimes kissing each other hardly.
After some time they both toke their clothes off to sleep and laid next to each other.
In the middle of the night Niragi tried to wake Chishiya up.
„Hey, kitty?"
„Kitty?" Asked Chishiya rubbing his eyes still sleepy. Niragi came closer to him and stared him in the eyes.
„I love you" He said whispering.
„I love you too" Said Chishiya whispering back.
Niragi smiled and came even closer.
„One day, we'll get out of this hell and start a life together, okay?"
„Sure" Said Chishiya still whispering.
„You like the idea of us living together? You think it's possible? You said you live alone in an apartment, may wanna share it?" „
Do you really think we'll be able to go out of here?" He said coming closer too.
„Well," Said Niragi putting his arm around Chishiya. „We always gotta dream high, am I right?"
Chishiya laughed. „Yeah, I guess you're right"
„Yes, Suguru?" Hearing Chishiya saying his first name made him smile, he was so happy to know that they really were dating. That that beautiful, strong, smart and selfish short blonde guy right in front of him was his boyfriend.
„Promise me we'll get out of here together"
Chishiya touched Niragi's face gently and said:
„I'll try my best to make it happen" and than gave him a short kiss.
They got a little closer to each other, cuddled a little and fell asleep.

This was the chapter^^ hope you liked it. I think it was pretty cute, what do you guys think?
Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong or if I could describe something more or less. Be honest with me! I'm trying my best to put some drama here, but not too much.
Please follow me and feel free to comment in the chapters. I love it when people comment in my chapters!^^
I may answer you back ;)
Anyway, thanks for all the support and sorry for the grammar mistakes 😬
Bonus pic:

 I love it when people comment in my chapters!^^I may answer you back ;)Anyway, thanks for all the support and sorry for the grammar mistakes 😬LOVE YOU GUYS!😘Bonus pic:

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Dori (Niragi) 💞👀 So handsome

Nijiro (Chishiya) So damn cuteeee 😍❤️

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Nijiro (Chishiya) So damn cuteeee 😍❤️

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