Chapter 17 •The truth hurts•

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In the next morning Niragi woke up after having a Nightmare. He stood up and went to the balcony.
He toke a cigarette, which was laying in a table and started smoking it. After smoking the cigarette he saw a picture of him, when he was younger, laying in the table next to the cigarette. He has short hair, glasses and was smiling in the picture. He knew the picture was from his room, so Chishiya obviously stole it.
"Haha.. idiot" He said laughing and kinda embarrassed.

Niragi set down in a chair and watched the view. It was 05:45 am.
Suddenly he fell something laying his head in his backs.
"Good Morning kitty" He said to Chishiya who still had his eyes closed.
"What are you doing? It's nearly 06:00 am" Said Chishiya still half sleeping setting in a chair next to Niragi.
"I wanted to feel some fresh air, sorry if I woke you up"
"Don't worry, I didn't sleep anyways. You had a nightmare, am I right?"
Niragi stared at the picture Chishiya stole from him and remembered his past.
"Were they mean to you? The kids?"
"Yeah.." Said Niragi with his eyes full of tears.
He was trying his best not to cry in front of Chishiya, he didn't wanted to show any weakness next to him.
Chishiya wasn't the best with comforting people, but for Niragi he could try.
"Come here" Said Chishiya opening his arms ready to hug him. Niragi came closer and fell in his arms. He was on his knees hugging Chishiya.
Chishiya was trying to comfort him by playing with his hair and giving him some kisses. Niragi hugged him very thigh, Chishiya could feel Niragi's tears falling in his knees, so he pushed his head up.
"Let me see your face"
"No.." Said Niragi whispering.
"Please, come here. Look at me Suguru"
He said, and so did Niragi.
Chishiya never saw him crying. His eyes were somehow bigger than the usual, and full with tears. His nose was red and his hands shaking. Seeing his face like that, with tears falling, his hurt his chest. His heart.
Without thinking twice Chishiya hugged very thigh and gently. It was like his body just moved without his permission.
They stayed like that for some minutes, and after some time Niragi calmed down and they went eat something.


Many months have passed and they were now eight months dating. They fought a lot and didn't talk to each other for some days, but at the end everything was fine. Even Chishiya learned how to apologize and admit he was wrong. That was a big process!

Chishiya was in the balcony alone watching Niragi yelling at some guys outside.
"What did I say about letting your guns somewhere in the beach? The guns are important things, you can't just let it somewhere! What if someone just keeps it and starts killing us? What will you do than?!" He said making everyone feel guilty.
"Please don't forget it, god damn it! It's the last time I'll be saying this! You do sh!t, and I get a punishment because of you, that ain't fair!
So the next time one of you does it again, I'll kill you. Understood it?"
Everyone nodded with the head scared of Niragi. Chishiya just laughed seeing them so scared of him, they really were afraid of him.
Niragi heard Chishiya laughing and looked up. Chishiya winked at him and so did Niragi back.

After some time they had a reunion with Aguni and all the others.
Like always Niragi came in the last second before they started the meeting. It was fascinating how he nearly comes too late, but still can come in time.
"We are getting more equipment from a Firma. The equipment is much better than our, but very expensive too. The people from the Firma will give it too us today at 14:00, so I want you all to be present. After that we'll have a meeting with them and talk about our System, and their system too. Don't come late please" Said Aguni especially looking at Niragi, which rolled his eyes ignoring him.
"Thanks for coming, you can leave now"
They stood up and went to the beach.
"Hey babe, you're playing tomorrow, right?"
"Yes, why?"
"I'll go with you"
"Suguru, there's no need to come, you know I can handle it by myself"
"I know, I know" Said Niragi holding Chishiya's hand and stopping him from walking. They were standing in front of each other in the middle of the hall.
"Come on, I want to, okay?"
Chishiya sighed. "Fine" Niragi smiled and hugged him making them the center of attention.

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