Chapter 16 •a funny day•

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Some weeks were already gone and Niragi and Chishiya were still dating, this time officially. Arisu and Usagi were recently dating too, after many months they finally admitted their feelings for each other.

Chishiya was eating breakfast with Kuina, Arisu and Usagi, like the usual.
"Hey Chishiya, your boyfriend is coming" Said Arisu smiling at him.
"Hi" Said Chishiya to Niragi who came close to him.
"Hey babe" He said giving him a little kiss on the check.
"I'm going to play a game with Aguni, I'll be back at night, okay?"
"I'm going with you" Said Chishiya already standing up, ready to go.
"What? No no no! You stay here and I go. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine"
"I'm going with you and you won't change my mind"
"Calm down Chishiya" Said Usagi pushing him back to the chair so he set down again.
"Niragi knows how to take care about himself"
"Yeah, Usagi is right. Don't worry, he'll be back soon" Said Arisu staring at Chishiya.
"Fine. But I'll go with you next time. And you can't say no, I will and point" He said in a very bossy way.
"Sure" Said Niragi laughing.
He gave him a little kiss and went with Aguni who was already waiting for him next to the door.
"Wow, I didn't know you were that overprotective" Said Kuina laughing.
"Shut up. You're just jealous because everyone is dating someone except you"
"Hey!" Said the tall girl offended now.
"It's cute how you two kiss in front of everyone not caring about their opinions" Said Arisu.
"Yeah, even if I still don't know what you see in him, but anyway, I won't judge your taste. My taste isn't the best either. Even I'm more masculine than my boyfriend" Said Usagi staring at Arisu.
Arisu got embarrassed and they all laughed seeing his face red like a tomato.

They were done with eating and everyone went to their rooms. Chishiya was laying on the floor staring at the window. Even if his face seemed so relaxed, he was very, very, very worried about Niragi.
He couldn't stop thinking about him and what kind of game he might be playing. He's very good at games who involve strength and self protection, but not that good with intelligence games or games that reminded him of his past.
Chishiya knew he had a rough past so he totally understood why he made such a drama out of it, but still, he was afraid he might die because of that.
The time passed and Chishiya was still only staring at the window.
"Really? You're still staring at the god damn window?" Said Kuina coming in his room. "It's been an hour Shiya!"
"I'm only tired, leave me alone"
"No. You're worried about Niragi, and it's totally normal to be worried about your boyfriend, but come on, he'll be fine. You need to trust him"
"The first game I played with him he nearly died" He said standing up. "We needed to answer questions. He was lucky there were only me and him left, otherwise he would have lied and be death now. If it's a similar game, what will happen? What do I do?"
Kuina set next to him and held his hand.
"It's cute that you're worried, but try to trust him. He has a motivation now that will keep him alive, you. He'll try to do his best to make sure he'll see you again. He loves you Shiya, okay?"
Chishiya looked at the girl and said yes by shaking his head up and down.
He loves you Chishiya wasn't used to feel that feeling. He wasn't used to hear someone telling him that. He had his parents, but they weren't very close. Niragi was the first person who cared about him more than anyone, he was his first love. He didn't wanted to lose him, not right now when he's trying to understand what he feels about him better.
"Ann found a snow machine in the city, let's try it out, yeah?"
Chishiya laughed. "Sure"

The hours passed and it was already night. Niragi came from the game searching for Chishiya.
"Eyo, where's Shuntarō?" He asked Arisu.
"He's trying the snow machine with Kuina"
"Snow machine?"
"Yeah. Kuina always wanted to see snow, and Ann found a snow machine in the city. She put it in a room and even changed the room temperature to a colder one so it seems more real. You should try it, but wear enough clothes, it's really cold!"
"Yeah sure, thanks" He said going to his room.

Niragi put a black long hoodie on and toke some gloves, a hat and another grey hoodie with him, in case Chishiya was cold.
He went to the room where the snow machine was and saw Kuina playing with the fake snow. Chishiya was sitting in front of her smiling of seeing his bff so happy.
Niragi had a side smile in his face seeing the cute moment of them, but very fast changed his face to a serious look by seeing Chishiya with only a shirt and some shorts on.
Chishiya didn't realize that Niragi came in, he only realized it as he felt him putting some gloves in his hand.
"Ouh, hi. How was the game?"
"It was good. God damn Chishiya, take care of yourself"
"I'm fine!" He said turning around.
"Dress my hoodie"
"I told you I'm fine"
Niragi knew Chishiya was a very difficult and stubborn person. Seeing his beloved cold made him want to warm him up. He knew Chishiya was cold, he just didn't wanted to admit it.
"Please. Shuntarō do it for me, okay?" He said sitting down next to him.
"Fine" Chishiya turned around and put Niragi's hoodie and gloves on.
"I'm not putting the hat on"
"Shuntarō, please"
"I don't like hats"
"It's an ugly one"
"Hey! Put it in your head now!"
"I don't wear ugly stuff"
"Okay okay!" He said rolling his eyes, but still putting the hat on.
"Why is he so stubborn.." Said Niragi whispering to himself.
"I heard that" Said Chishiya laying himself on Niragi's shoulder.
"Good for you"
They stayed in silence till they heard Kuina laughing.
"Jesus, are you guys really dating? Cause damn you like to argue, huh? Haha!"
"Shut up weirdo!" Said Niragi.
"You shut up, Samara!"
"Samara? Who the heck is samara?"
"It's the girl from the ring" Said Chishiya laughing a little.
"Excuse me!"
"You kinda look like her though" Said Chishiya making fun of Niragi. He loved to mess with him and Niragi knew that.
"I don't! You can't say anything, Elsa without boobs!"
"Haha! It's getting better" Said Kuina laughing.
They set there talking to each other for some minutes.
After a while it was too cold and they went to their rooms.
Kuina went to her room and Niragi and Chishiya to Chishiya's room.

"What do you want to do?" Asked Chishiya calmly.
"I don't know, you tell me"
Chishiya stared at a towel who was laying in his bed.
"I'm tired, let's take a bath"
"Sure" Said Niragi already taking his shirt off.
"When I mean let's take a bath I mean a normal bath, with no s£x and stuff, you know that, right?"
"No s£x? Ahhh, come onnnn. I just came from a game, I deserve a little fun!"
"Nope. I'm tired"
"You might be tired now, but you won't be later, trust me" He said smiling in a dirty way.
Chishiya stared at him with death eyes.
"Okay, okay. No s€x, I get it" He said laughing at the short one who was blushing a little.
He knew Chishiya was annoyed, but still he could see him smiling a little.

Chishiya and Niragi toke a bath together. Even thought Chishiya only wanted to take a normal bath, Niragi was right, he couldn't resist the warm touch of their body's and endet up making love with him.

After the bath they dressed themselves up. Niragi toke some clothes from Chishiya.
This is how he looked:

 This is how he looked:

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"How small is this?"
"Well I don't know, it's a normal shirt for my size, I told you you wouldn't fit in"
Niragi looked himself in the mirror.
"I look gay as hell"
"You look hot as hell, that's for sure" Said Chishiya checking his boyfriend out.
Niragi smiled at him with a dirty side smile and came closer to him. He held him by the hips and kissed him. Chishiya returned the kiss and started a tongue kiss. He liked to feel Niragi's tongue piercing rolling in his mouth.
Niragi pushed Chishiya to the bed and started kissing him. He grabbed his ass and Chishiya his neck. Chishiya was kissing his neck and suddenly started licking it and biting it a little. Than he went to his chest.
"Wow, for someone who said he was sleepy and wanted to take a normal bath, you seem to be very h0rny today, huh?"
Chishiya went on top of him and held Niragi's hands thigh.
"Maybe I am, got a problem with it?"
Niragi smiled and blushed a little. Normally he was the one in the top and not other way.
Chishiya grabbed Niragi's ass and started kissing his chest.
"I won't let you top me"
"And why is that so?" Asked Chishiya still kissing and licking his chest.
"Cause I'm like three heads bigger than you, I won't let someone as small as you top me, no way!" He said nervously laughing.
"In first place I'm not three heads smaller, only one. In second place I could easily top you, but I like the feeling of having something inside of me better, and in the last place thank you for insulting me, I don't wanna do it anymore"
Chishiya went back to the floor and toke his clothes off till he was only with boxers and a big shirt.
"Are you angry cause I said I didn't want you too top me? You know I was kidding, right?"
"I know I know! I'm just very sleepy, that's all" He said laying himself in the bed.
Niragi toke his clothes off too and laid next to him. He hold him from behind and gave him a little good night kiss.
"Sleep well Shuntarō"
"You too Suguru"
And both fell asleep.

I know this chapter wasn't so interesting like the others, but trust me, the next one will be!
I already have many ideas^^
Comment as much as you want, I love reading your comments XD
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I know this chapter wasn't so interesting like the others, but trust me, the next one will be!I already have many ideas^^Comment as much as you want, I love reading your comments XDPls follow me! And on insta too!Byeee

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