Chapter 18 •In another world•

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It was already morning and they needed to participate in a game. Niragi wanted to talk to Chishiya, so he was already waiting in the car for him. He got surprised seeing Ann coming in and not Chishiya.
"Where's Chishiya?"
"He said he wanted to change car with me" Said Ann sitting not to close to Niragi.
"Did he say why?"
"Okay.." Niragi looked at the window and waited for them to arrive to the game arena.

As they arrived there Niragi was the whole time staring at Chishiya.
Chishiya was standing with his hands in his pocket and his hood up. Niragi really wanted to talk to him, but didn't know how or what to say exactly.
"Let's go, the game will start soon" Said Aguni, and everyone followed him.

They were waiting for the game to start. Five more people needed to come, so they could start the game. Niragi took that opportunity to talk to Chishiya.
Chishiya was in a room alone observing all the details from where they were playing. He wanted to make sure he knows where everything is.
"Observing the place?" Said Niragi kinda messy and timid. He didn't know how to start a conversation.
"You really had the nerve to come and talk to me after yesterday. I'm surprised" He said very cold and fast. Niragi didn't know what to answer, so he tried to be nice.
"You're check? Is it good? Is it still hurting?" He said putting his hand in Chishiya's check.
Chishiya didn't wanted to be close to Niragi, not now. So he took Niragi's hand out of his face, by slapping it.
"I'm fine. Now, what do you want? Go direct to the point. You're wasting my time"
Niragi took a deep breath and started talking.
"Are we still dating? I don't get it, tell me Shuntarō"
"I don't know, you tell me, would a boyfriend hit the other?" He said very cold to his face.
"Well, would a boyfriend talk sh!t about the other, by making fun of a traumatic moment in his life?" Chishiya stared him for five seconds, but than answered.
"No, I guess not"
"So that's it? It's done with us?"
"I never said that!"
"Well it seems like that!" Said Niragi coming closer to him.
"It doesn't seem like you still want to date me neither!"
"Maybe because you always say that I'm the wrong one"
"I don't say that you're the only wrong one here, I'm only defending myself, putting myself in the first place, and so are you"
"Do you even care about me? Because honestly I don't think you do. You only think about you. You and yourself, no one more. It's in your face, in the look of your eyes. You don't show love, caring, nothing. You only show how you're better than anyone else here, how you're better than me"
"I'm only trying to survive this god damn world!!!!" Said Chishiya screaming. "Only the strongest survives, the best. And I won't die in this f*cking world. I do like you, I love you! But what you truly think about me, is that I'm only using, right? I'll never change for you, am I right Niragi? Why can't you just let me love you, without asking yourself if I really do?" Said Chishiya going one step behind.
"IF YOU LOVE ME, THAN WHY DID YOU TAKE SO LONG TO ADMIT IT?! WHY DON'T YOU SHOW IT SO OFTEN?! WHAT'S THE GOD DAMN PROBLEM???" Said Niragi coming closer to him, so close that he could feel him breathing next to his chest.
"I'M LEARNING ABOUT LOVE, OKAY?!" Said Chishiya yelling back. "And honestly, I don't give a f*ck if you think I don't love you, I don't need to prove it to anyone. If you don't believe me what I say so, fine than, it's not my fault" He said and walked away.
Before he left the room Niragi held his hand and pushed him closer to him.
"We're not done with talking yet" He said.
Chishiya turned around and stared at him with the coldest eyes ever. You couldn't see anything in his eyes, it was like the light, that shined so bright in his eyes was gone.
"If you don't want me to hit you this time, you better let me go now" Niragi was pale. He never saw him acting that cold before. Chishiya was normally cold and honest, but never that serious about it.
Not knowing what to do, he just let him go and stayed there watching him leaving the room.


After a while everyone arrived to the game arena and the game finally started.
"The game: " was written in everyone's  phone.
"Cheetah. It's a race. Every player needs to run to the hospital, it's your aim.
Game rules:
1. The players who can't arrive there in time, will die
2. While you're running you can eliminate other players
3. You have 10 minutes to get to the aim.
Game starts now. 10:00"
Everyone started running. Chishiya and Niragi didn't care about each other, in that moment, it was only about them, and no one else.
Of course Niragi, Aguni and some other militants eliminated some players in the way to the hospital.
Chishiya was very fast, just as Usagi.
Niragi and Aguni weren't the best ones at running, but they tried their best too.
"08:30min left" Was written in the phone.
Chishiya fell in the middle of two stone and got stuck there. He tried to get free, but it wasn't working. Usagi was already gone, so he waited for someone to help him.
As Niragi passed by he saw how the blonde one wasn't getting out.
"Ignore him!" Said Aguni. "This is a game of survival, you don't have time to help others, we only have eight minutes left Niragi!"
Niragi looked at the phone and than at Chishiya. He knew he didn't had time for helping others, but he couldn't let him there.
Then he remembered of what Chishiya said before, if he helped him, he was only making him a favor, showing him he was weak. He didn't wanted to help someone who didn't deserve his help, so he ignored him and kept running.
"Son of a b!tch.." Said Chishiya seeing Niragi ignoring him and keeping running.
He was lucky that Kuina came by and helped him getting out.
"Let's go, we only have seven minutes left!" Said Kuina running with Chishiya.

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