Chapter 12 •Party and fight•

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It was nearly 18:00 and Chishiya was still sleeping. He knew he needed to show up in that beach party, that's why he slept now so he wouldn't be tired in the party.
"CHISHIYA! Wait, are you seriously still sleeping?" Said Kuina coming in who woke him up.
"Nocking on the door would be nice"
"Than lock the door next time" She said going to his closet.
"I could be naked" He said standing up.
"Come on, don't act like I never saw you naked"
"You what?" Said Chishiya who was now for sure completely awake after that sentence.
"All right, I admit, I should have nocked on the door while you were taking a bath, but like I said, you didn't lock the door!"
The boy stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his face.
"Fine. I'm going to take a bath than, will you wait here?"
"Yupe. I'll put your clothes ready" She said already doing some outfits.
"No need, I do it by myself"
"Too late, I already have three looks done"
Chishiya laughed and was surprised how fast his bff was by choosing some outfits.
After the shower he came to Kuina so she could show him the outfits she chose.
„Why are these outfits so formal?"
„Niragi didn't told you?"
„Told me what?"
„It's going to be a formal beach party"
„Why?" He asked a little confused, knowing that all the beach party use to be all the same.
„Aguni wanted to do something new instead of a normal beach party, and Ann gave the idea of a formal one. Like a prom"
„I don't even have formal clothes"
„Of course you have. I bought you some"
„You bought me clothes.? ...all right. Let's see the outfits than"
Chishiya tried the first outfit on.


"Okay, what the hell is this?"„Awww, come on

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"Okay, what the hell is this?"
„Awww, come on. It's so cute!" Said Kuins smiling and laughing at the same time at her bff. She never saw him using something more colorful and so soft.
„You're very short too, so it looks even cuter" Said the girl happy.
„Come on!"
„Next one"
„Arghhh, Fine!"
Chishiya tried the second outfit.

„This one is good

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„This one is good. It's basic and cute"
„It's too colorful, not my style at all. Next"
„What? Really? It's so cute!"
And so Chishiya tried the next outfit.


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