Chapter 5 •The video•

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Niragi and Chishiya were panicking. What could they do now?
„All right, now let's see who was in this room"
Aguni said.
After a while watching the video, finally came the scene were Chishiya was cleaning the room, and suddenly Niragi came in.
„Shit.." Said Chishiya whispering to himslef.
And there it was, Niragi kissing Chishiya's neck from behind.
„What the-„ Said Last Boss completely confused. He never tough that Niragi was into guys.
Everyone was staring at them and Chishiya put his hood up hiding his face. He was embarrassed, just like Niragi, who blushed a little.
In the video they were talking a little till the talk switched to a long kiss. Chishiya sitting in the table and Niragi kissing him while he was grabbing his ass.
Chishiya was completely red, while Niragi seemed to be angry.
„What?! You never saw two guys kissing?!"
Said Niragi screaming at everyone.
„Shut up!" Said Chishiya embarrassed trying to stop him from saying something stupid.
Aguni looked shocked at Niragi. His face looked  kinda of disappointed.
„Niragi, Are you two dating?" Last Boss asked disgusted by the video"
„No" Chishiya stopped Niragi from talking.
Niragi looked confused to Chishiya,
but it didn't toke long till he started  yelling again.
„Niragi, please, calm down" Said Ann who seemed to be the only one calm in this situation.
„We were drunk" Said Chishiya and everyone stopped talking to listen to him, even Niragi stopped screaming.
„We were drunk and did kissed. It's completely normal to do stuff like that when you're drunk. That's the story. Now can we keep going? Thanks" Chishiya Said That completely calm.
And everyone calmed down too, even Niragi who just agreed with him.
„Thank you very much for explaining Chishiya, now let's keep going" Aguni said and everyone agreed with him.

After a while watching the videos, they found out who the traitors were.
„We got them, Niragi, you can kill them now."
A big smile could be seen in Niragi's face who stood up and went searching for them.
„Thank you all for coming. You can leave now"
Everyone left the room and Kuina was outside waiting for Chishiya.
„Hey! Is something wrong?" She asked noticing that something wasn't right by his face.
„No, let's go" He said trying to go away as fast as possible. But Kuina hold his hand and said:
„Chishiya, what's wrong? You know you can talk to me, right?"
Chishiya stared her for some seconds and said: „All right, can we talk alone?"
„Of course, let's go"
When they wanted to go Last Boss walked in their direction and asked something.
„Chishiya, are you and Niragi dating?"
„WHAT?!" Kuina yelled and everyone was looking at them.
„SHH! And no, there isn't. Are you deaf? I told you we were drunk" Chishiya said in a very short and calm way. He was trying to stay calm like usual, so Last boss  wouldn't suspect of anything. Last Boss was smart, he could see when someone was lying by their face.
„Sure. It's just Niragi's face didn't seem very convinced, but more confused, like everyone else. Like he didn't agree with what you said"
„He was very drunk, he doesn't remember it well, that's why" Chishiya said it trying his best to stay calm.
Last Boss started him for some seconds but than he left.
Kuina hold Chishiya's hand and started running to her room. He knew she wanted to know what happened, so he told her the whole story.

„He kissed me yesterday, and that's it"
He said really fast.
„So, he kissed you and what? You returned the kiss?"
„CHISHIYA! You said you wouldn't do it!"
„Look, I like to mess with him, okay? It's very funny to see how bad he wants to fuck me, but is too confident to admit it. I have him on my feet. If I might need something from him, I know how to do it" He said explaining her everything.
„All right, just make sure you don't fall in love with him, okay? Niragi fucks with every single girl he sees, and apparently boys too know, so stay away from that. He's not trustful"
There was a silence in the room. A huge silence. Till Chishiya started laughing:
„Hahaha! Hahaha! Omg I cant, haha!"
Kuina didn't know why he was laughing but that scared her a little. She never saw Chishiya laughing, and sure not so much. He was nearly crying from laughing.
„Please, haha. Me? Fall in love with someone? Are you maybe drunk or something?
Kuina, you know me. If there is someone who I'll ever love, is me"
„You're so heartless, and cold. Sometimes you scare me Shiya" The girl said staring at him.
„I know" He Said giving a side smile.
„I'm hungry, let's eat?" He asked.
And so they went to the cafeteria.

They were peaceful eating and talking.
Till somehow they came to the subject religions and started talking about different religions. First about Gods, and than about demons and devils.
Than a tall black haired guy with some piercings came in their direction.
Chishiya turned around and saw Niragi coming.
„Talking about the Devil"
„Haha, funny" Niragi said in a ironic way.
„Aguni wants to talk to you"
„Yeah. Hurry up"
And so they went together to Aguni's room.

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