Chapter 13 •Lovely fights•

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The night passed and it was already morning. The important people had a reunion again and Niragi didn't show up.
"Oh my god, where is this kid now?! Why is he always late??!!!!" Said Aguni, but this time he really was angry.
"Chishiya, go search for him! Since you're the only one who is allowed to enter in his room now!"
Chishiya stared at him with cold eyes, but than accepted it.
"Of course Aguni" He stood up and went to Niragi's room.

"What was Niragi doing this time? Why did he skip another reunion? Was it because of yesterday?" Chishiya couldn't stop asking those questions to himself. Every second more and more questions to his mind.
He arrived in Niragi's room and entered in without nocking 'cause the door was open. Like always.
"Niragi?" He said coming in, but no one answered. Niragi wasn't in his room, only a wall with blood, empty bottles and his room was a mess too.
Chishiya got nervous by seeing the blood and the empty bottles of alcohol. He searched in the closet, but no luck. Than in the kitchen, but nothing again. And for last in the bathroom, there he was.
A black haired guy, very tall with some piercings, laying in the floor with his fists full of blood and some empty bottles next to him. There were some medical stuff in the floor and medicine too. He probably tried to do a bandage but didn't go well.
Chishiya ran closer to him and controlled the pulse. He was still alive, that surely made him calmer. He toke his fists and made some right bandages.
"Chi..Chishiya?" Said Niragi waking up.
"Stay still, I'm taking care of your fists"
Niragi smiled at him and tried to stand up, but Chishiya didn't let him.
"You're still drunk, now stay still and don't stand up"
Niragi set down again and tried to stay still.
"I'm..not..drunk.." He said very messy and with the voice of someone who was 100% under alcohol.
"Yeah, sure, whatever. Even if you think you're not, you are. And next time don't drink so much, I'm not your mom to go check if you're okay and save you from the shits you do
Niragi" He said very fast and cold.
Niragi was in silence.
"I.. like you a lot, Shuntarō"
Chishiya just didn't respond and kept doing the bandage.
"I love Shuntarō, are you... are you still mad at me?"
"Niragi, you're drunk. Please just stay still and let me finish the bandage"
"So you are, huh?"
Chishiya stayed in silence and didn't answered.
He didn't know what to say.
"Yupe, you are... I really f*cked it up this time, didn't I?"
Chishiya only stared at his face. He was done with the bandage.
"I'm done, now don't punch the wall again. And the medicines you're using aren't very good too, especially how much you use. You should only take two of them in every three hours. Make sure you stop punching the wall or your closet, I may not be here next time to help you"
He said staying up.
He stared at Niragi who was just smiling at him. He seemed to be happy, his smile was so true, like something was making him really happy.
"Why are you smiling?"
"You're so pretty" He said and Chishiya got red. He knew the smile was real, and hearing Niragi saying that, he knew he really meant it. Chishiya wasn't used to hear compliments like those, he had no idea what to answer.
"Thanks... I'm going to clean your wall and floor. Stay here, don't do any shit"
He said going to his room.

He was cleaning the wall and the floor.
After some minutes he heard Niragi doing some noises, like he was hurt or something, so he went to the bathroom to see what was going on.
As he came in he saw Niragi shirtless with a big cut next to his belly. It was bleeding. It seemed to be a deep cut and it sure hurt a lot.
"Oh my god, what did you do now?!"
"It wasn't now" he said trying to stand up.
"It was yesterday. I actually don't remember how I made it, I only remember to feel it hurting"
Chishiya sighted but than he helped him standing up. He toke his clothes off and prepared a bath for him.
"I can do it by myself.." Said Niragi a little embarrassed of the situation.
"After I already cleaned your mess and made you a bandage? Couldn't have said it earlier? Now I'm surely not going to leave you"
He said and Niragi just nodded.
Chishiya was done preparing the bath and he helped Niragi getting in it.
"It will hurt a little because of the water.
Wait for me, I'm going to take some stuff from my room and I'll be back. Stay here, don't stand up, just stay still"
He said and went to his room.

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