Chapter 3 •"You didn't like it?"•

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Everything was black. Chishiya opened his eyes and saw the sun rising from his window.
"Already morning?" He asked to himself.
He wanted to go to the bathroom and take a bath, but as he tried to stand up, he could feel someone holding his hips. He turned around and saw Niragi completely naked sleeping next to him.
He realized he was naked too and than he started remembering everything that happened last night. He toke Niragi's hands of him, without waking him up, and went to the bathroom embarrassed of this situation.
He put some clothes on, washed his face. He started to think about last night. Embarrassed he looked to the wall and started thinking what would happened now.
"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! What were you thinking? I knew I shouldn't have said yes to the game" He whispered to himself with a hand on his face.
"Is everything all right?"
Chishiya turned around and saw Niragi standing in front of him with only a towel.
"Yeah, everything's fine. I need to go-"
He walked past Niragi to the door as fast as he could, but Niragi hold his hand and turned him around.
"Where are you going?" He asked curious.
"I'm going to see Kuina, I promised to help her with something" Chishiya didn't even looked to Niragi's face while talking to him, he just stared the floor.
"Okay then. Oh right, I forgot something"
Niragi gave Chishiya a little kiss on the lips and said "good morning" with a bright smile.
Chishiya stared at Niragi's lips and gave a little side smile, than he left.

He searched for Kuina everywhere but couldn't find her. "Where is she?" He asked himself.
He went outside to see if she was there, and he was right. There she was, a really tall girl in the middle talking to other girls. It was easy to find her, she was one of the tallest girl in the whole beach.
The blonde boy walked past her and toke her hand.
"Kuina, we need to talk"
They went to a room.
He locked the door and said "I need to tell you something"
"Okay, what is it?"
He stayed in silence for some seconds trying to think of what was the best way to tell her this.
"I got drunk yesterday and ended up sleeping with Niragi"
"What??? Wait, with sleep, do you mean-?"
"Yes I mean sleep in a dirty way."
"OH MY GOD! Really??? How did that happened?"
Chishiya told her the whole story. The girl was shocked but laugh at him, she could see him blushing and that was rare to see.
As they finished talking, they went eating breakfast.

Arriving there they saw Niragi, Last Boss, Ann and Aguni.
Chishiya put his hood up with the hope that Niragi wouldn't see him.
"Hey Chishiya, come here" said Niragi.
Chishiya was afraid, did he told them about last night? What does he want from him?
He just ignored him and pretended to not hear him.
"Chishiya! Come here!"
Shit, now there was no way he didn't hear him. He screamed so loud that everyone there could hear.
He went to him and stood in front of Niragi, waiting for him to talk.
"Do you want bread? I already ate one so I'm not hungry anymore. Do you want it?"
Chishiya was a little confused, why was Niragi being so nice to him? He didn't understand, but accepted the bread anyways and said "thanks" very fast before he went to Kuina.

After breakfast he went to his room. In the way there Aguni went to him.
"Chishiya, can we talk?"
The blonde agreed and listened to him.
"You and Niragi really are getting along together, how did that happened?"
He was knew he couldn't say the truth, because not even he knew why Niragi was being so nice to him, but he ended up saying this: "We found out that we have more things in comum than it seems"
After that Aguni went to his room and Chishiya went to his.

Chishiya ON
The days were passing and somehow me and Niragi got closer to each other. He often comes to me to talk about random stuff. He comes to my room because he wants to hang out with me, and sometimes he even gets real close, I can feel his breath next to my mouth.
Today after I toke a bath I saw him in my room sitting in my bed.
Chishiya off
„What are you doing here?"
„Oh, I was waiting for you"
„Waiting for me?"
„Yupe. You know my room has a jacuzzi. I don't use it often, wanna go there with me?"
„I just toke a bath, so no thank you" He said putting a shirt on.
„You can take another one, than you'll smell even better!"
Niragi seemed like he really wanted him to go, and Chishiya couldn't figure out why. Since the day they slept together he has been acting like that. Chishiya though he wouldn't stop annoying him till he would say yes, so he went with him to the Jacuzzi.

They were wearing their bath suits and just set there talking a little, till they somehow stopped talking. There was a huge silence. It was awkward. Chishiya wanted to stop it, but he didn't know how.
Niragi suddenly came closer to him. To close. He put one of his hand around his hips and the other one on his face. His hand was softly touching Chishiya's face, he was being so gentle. Somehow the blonde boy liked it and came closer too.
It was getting warm and than Niragi licked his ear. It felt so warm. He started licking Chishiya's neck and chest.
Chishiya looked him in the eyes and for some seconds they both just stared at each other, deeply. Niragi's small dark eyes were so pretty, Chishiya couldn't admit it, but he loved staring at them. It made him feel kinda of save. And than, they kissed. A long romantic kiss. No tongue, just a simple kiss. They kept kissing for at least one minutes till both stopped because they couldn't breath.
„I need to go" Said Chishiya because he was in panick, he didn't know what to do. No one ever was so lovely to him. He didn't know how to handle stuff like that.
„Yes, now"
He stood up, but Niragi hold his hand before he could leave.
„You didn't like it?" He asked with the saddest face. Chishiya ever saw him doing such a sad face. His eyes were so big. He seemed to be so sad over something so silly, Chishiya didn't get why. It was just a kiss anyways.
„It wasn't bad, I guess. But I need to go, I need to organize some stuff in my room"
The black haired boy stared at Chishiya for some time, but than he let his hand go.
Chishiya went to his room and laid in his bed.
Some minutes later he fell asleep.

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