Chapter 7 •Am I a freaking love game for you?•

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Chishiya closed the door of the closet and set down in silence. What would Last Boss think if he saw them together in Niragi's room?

„What do you want?" Said Niragi brushing his hair.
„How rude, even for you"
„Sorry, I'm just not in the mood to talk now"
Last Boss toke some sweets out of his coat pocket and put it in the table.
„Those are your favorites, am I right?"
Niragi laugh.
„How did you know?"
„Maybe because you don't eat any other sh!t"
„Of course I do!"
Both laugh and Niragi set next to him.
„So, do you need something?"
The guy full of tattoos said one word, which was enough to make Niragi nervous.
Niragi stared at him in silence for some seconds.
Wait, why did he say Chishiya? Did he saw him in the closet? How? Did he know about them?
Those questions were going on in his mind.
„Yes? What's with him?" Niragi calmly asked.
„Do you like him?"
Niragi knew Last Boss found out about his feelings for the blonde boy, but he just fake laugh trying to pretend he never had something with him.
„HAHAHA! Please! Chishiya? Come on, you gotta be kidding me!"
„I know you do"
„Samura, I have no idea what you're talking about" Said the he black haired trying to stay as serious as he could.
„I can see the way you look at him. The way you always change subject when the subject is him. The way you seemed to be completely broken as he said you were drunk in the video. I know he was lying. And if it depended for you, you would probably have told the truth.
I really don't give a damn with who you f*ck and with who you don't. If it's a girl, or a guy now, I guess, even if it surprises me seeing you with some dude. Anyways, date anyone, but just not Chishiya.
He has a stone heart, I can see it, he doesn't care about anyone and anyone's feelings, only about himself.
Unnecessary feelings, he just throws them away. He f*cks for pleasure, for thirst, but not for love. You know that Suguru, so make sure you stop that feelings you have for him"
Niragi could see how Last Boss was worried about him, that was rare to see. But what he said, somehow made him angry and sad. Was he feeling like that because Last Boss talked sh!t about Chishiya, or because it was probably true?
While they stood in silence for some seconds Chishiya was hearing everything from the closet. He knew it was true, he really had a stone heart and didn't care about people, but somehow, it hurt a little in his chest hearing Niragi agreeing with Last Boss.
„Awwww, youre worried about me. How cute from you" Said Niragi smiling messing with him. He tried to change the subject.
Last Boss gave him a soft fist and both started laughing.
„All right, I see you're not taking me serious. I'm going than, see yah at dinner"
„See yah"
As Last Boss closed the door Niragi laid on his bed thinking about what he said.
Last Boss wasn't stupid, and he knew that, but still, he didn't want it to be true.
„I think I'm going too" Said Chishiya who was already standing in front of the door.
Niragi completely forgot he was there too.
„Sure, close the door when you leave"
He opened the door, closed it, and went eating something.

Chishiya was reading and Aguni came in his direction.
„You have time?"
Chishiya put his book down and looked Aguni in the eyes.
„Always" He said.
„So, I'm going to play a game today. Last time you asked to join me, am I right?"
„Absolutely right sir" Said the blonde one giving him a smile, which was rare to see.
„All right, meet me in the room at seven"
Aguni stood up and left the room.
„I will"
Chishiya was exited, winning this game might put him one level more up. He knew he was the best in the whole beach, so it was just a start to prove it.

At seven all the people who were going with Aguni to the game met in the meetings-room.
Chishiya's smile changed to a bored face seeing Niragi there too.
Niragi's face didn't seem so happy either.
„All right, now everyone enter in the car"
There were at least nine cars outside. Three for the best, who were Aguni, Niragi, him, Ann, Usagi and Arisu.
And the other cars for normal beach people.
Usagi and Arisu went into a car together, Ann and Aguni too. There was no choice, Niragi and Chishiya needed to share a car.
The driver was in the front, it had a black glass between the driver and them.
It means, everything they said or did, he couldn't hear or see.
Chishiya set in one side of the car, and Niragi in the other.
They stared at the window and nothing more.
No one said anything. They stayed like that for at least ten minutes.
Chishiya felt someone touching his leg, he saw Niragi, who came closer to him.
„Can I help?"
„What are we going to do?" Asked Niragi.
He said it very fast and direct.
„What do you mean?"
„If someone finds out about us, what are we going to do?"
Chishiya stared at him and laugh.
There it was, the I'm more superior than you all laugh. Niragi hated that laugh, when that laugh came the conversation always ended up in a fight.
„What's so funny?" He said kinda angry now.
„I'm sorry for disappointing you, but there's no we or us, Niragi. There's me and you. Not more"
Niragi stared him with death eyes.
But without starting a fight, he just turned to his side again and said: „All right, than I guess you wouldn't mind if I tell everyone we had s£x, kissed and weren't drunk in the video"
„Sure, do it" Said the blonde one in a very calm and confident way.
That made Niragi seek, the way he talked, he looked, that really got on his nerves.
„What do you mean with Sure, do it? Weren't you the one who was embarrassed of it?"
„I need the be honest, it is a little embarrassing knowing that it's you, but what do I have to loose? Everyone knows I'm not into girls.
Nearly no one knows me either. But you? Everyone here knows you, every single girl you f*cked knows it. My life wouldn't change, but yours would. And anyways, we're not dating Niragi, we never were"
Niragi stared at him for some seconds. His eyes were empty. Hearing that from him really hurt his chest, but he couldn't admit it, there was no way he would admit something like that! Look weak next to him wasn't an option!
Niragi couldn't control himself, he hold Chishiya's neck very hard and pushed him next to him. The way he hold his neck wouldn't kill him, but for sure leave some marks.
„Am I a freaking love game for you, or what?"

So, this chapter was a little short, but I promise the next one will be long:)

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