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"The scene where he's in the car with Vanessa! I died, like twice!" said Rachel, my only other friend from school besides Peyton. Her and I were talking about Totally Vampires all morning, you could swear we were obsessed!

"Hey Skylar! Guess what!" Peyton said rushing to me. "Umm excuse me.  I'm still talking to her." Rachel said annoyed. "Umm, do I look like I care?" Peyton said coldly turning back to me.

Peyton and Rachel have hated each other since 7th grade because apparently Rachel started the rumour that Peyton had her nose done. It's actually kind of hard when both your best friends hate each other but Peyton holds grudges.

"Anyway..." Peyton said rudely. "One of Cameron's friends called and offered me a role in Tots Vamps!" Peyton said excitedly. "It's Totally Vampires!" Rachel yelled waving her hands in the air. "That's awesome!" I said hugging Peyton. I was really happy for Peyton but I was kind of wondering why Cameron didn't recommend me for the role. Was it because I didn't say I love him?

"I'm flying to L.A tomorrow!" Peyton said. "Good." Rachel mumbled. "Ugh. I'm soo excited to see Cameron again... I'm gonna be famous, Skylar!" Peyton said grabbing my arm harshly. "That's great." I said slightly less enthusiastic. Peyton's dream of becoming an actress was coming true and there I was achieving nothing! Plus Peyton would be close to Cameron and I'd be here barely surviving with Matt.

"You need to come over to my house after school and help me pack!" Peyton said. "Nah. I can't. Kyle's bringing Delton over so I need to babysit." I lied. I really didn't wanna listen to Peyton brag about how famous she's gonna be and how much fun she's gonna have in L.A. "Aww. Okay fine. I'll call you." she said skipping off as her perfect blonde hair flew majestically behind her (what. she has nice hair).

"Ooh, someone looks upset." Rachel mocked me. "I'm not upset!" I said getting upset and opening my locker. "Yes, you are!" she said. "Ugh. What-" I started but I got interrupted by a picture falling out of my locker. I picked it up and that it's a picture of Cameron and I at the park. I couldn't stop staring at how perfect and happy Cameron looks in that picture.

"Are you jealous of Princess Peyton?" Rachel smirked. "Ha. Jealous? Me? No." I said gently putting the picture back into locker and closing it. "Then why aren't you happy for her?" Rachel said raising one eyebrow. "I am. Can you please drop this Rachel. I wanna go to lunch, I'm hungry!" I said getting frustrated. "Fine but you can't hide your feelings forever." she sang.

At Lunch..

"Hey bae-by!" Matt said sliding in next to me on the lunch table. "Sup Mami.." said Matt's annoying friend Mateo sliding in next to Rachel. "Ew. Mateo, the zoo is looking for you." Rachel said making me and Matt laugh. "Ouch. Sweetie, you cut me deep. Deep, deeper, deeper." Mateo said making sexual noises. "Ew. Do you mind. Some of us are trying to eat here!" I said shoving some chicken into mouth. I think Matt could see that I was a bit annoyed.

"Hey, did you guys hear that Peyton's gonna be famous!" said Freddie (the school journalist) pressing his hands on the lunch table. "Gosh! Is everything about Peyton?! Peyton's gonna be famous! Peyton's going to L.A! Good for her! Now please. Can everybody stop talking about Peyton." I said loudly. Extremely loudly because the whole cafeteria was dead silent and everyone was staring at me.

I felt extremely embarrassed! I stormed out of the cafeteria. I ran into the girls' bathroom and started crying. I leaned over the sink and stared at my dull reflection. "I'm such a screw up." I mumbled to myself softly. I was beating myself up mentally but can you blame me. It seemed like everyone that I love was leaving.

I felt pathetic, sad, stupid and unworthy of breath. My tears were probably the only thing warm about me at that point.

*Roars* I really appreciate the support! You guys/girls are truly the definition of loyal.♥♥

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