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Leonardo Flavio Medicci. The ruthless and vicious Italian Mafia leader. He has been the Don of the Italian Mafia since his father died. He is twenty-four years old and the most feared man in the Mafia. People hear his name and shake in fear. If you have a problem with him, he will make sure you won't see another day. You cross him and you will pay the price, most likely with your life. If you think that he wouldn't kill if you were close to him, you are wrong. He killed his own father. Don't get me wrong, he had his reasons. Flavio was a really horrible man. Not just because he was in the Mafia, he was an actual bad man. Leonardo's mother, Jane Osborn, was killed by his father. Jane was American and was forced into an arranged marriage with Flavio at eighteen. Flavio was twenty-seven at that time. She had to move to Italy to live with him and to obey him. A year later, she had Leonardo. Six years after that, she had Sofia, Leonardo's little sister. Flavio was a terrible man because he would hit them. And not just once, but repeatedly for years. He abused Jane sexually too. He wasn't a loyal man, he cheated on Jane on multiple occasions and whenever he had the chance. Jane was a sweet and caring woman, the complete opposite of Flavio. She would take care of her kids and take the beating for them. Leonardo and Sofia loved their mother. Four years ago, Leonardo found out his own father killed his mother. No one still knows why he did it, not even Leonardo. One night, Leonardo locked his father in the basement in one of his warehouses and tortured him. He tortured him for all the things he put him, his sister and his mother through. He tortured him until he was begging for death. Eventually, Leonardo stabbed him in his heart with a knife, ending his pathetic life. Now, he's better than ever. He is a multi-billionaire, he owns a lot of businesses, such as hotels, bars, clubs and obviously some that are illegal. Leonardo is also known for his good looks. He is rather attractive. He's about six foot three, dark curly hair, blue eyes and let's not forget, he's very well built. Large biceps, but not too large, abs and so on. When he steps into a room, the ladies drool over him. He can get any girl he wants. Leonardo never did and never will do relationships. He sleeps with whoever he wants to sleep with, then never sees them again. He hates it when a girl gets attached to him. In his lifestyle, getting attached to someone isn't an option. Leonardo isn't the type to get attached to a person, he couldn't care less about the girls he slept with. He only used them to get pleasured and nothing else. If he did get attached to someone, they will take that person as his weakness. And in the Mafia, you can't have any weaknesses. You can't show an ounce of weakness to your enemy or to anyone. That would be his downfall. Like his father, if he is not married before twenty-seven, he will have to marry someone in an arranged marriage. He won't have a choice. Almost every night, Leonardo goes to one of his clubs and gets out with a girl, or two. He doesn't bring any girls into his home, he tells them to meet him at one of his hotels instead. No one gets in his car and no one goes into his mansion without his permission. Only three people are allowed in his mansion other than him. His sister Sofia, his best friend and right-hand man Sebastian and his maid Irene. Tonight, he's at The Crown, one of his most popular and successful clubs. He gets in, goes to the V.I.P section and drinks. He's now on the second floor looking down at the dance floor and the bar. That's when he spots her. The most beautiful woman he's ever laid his eyes on. She's at the bar, talking to another guy.

Leonardo's POV:

Who is this guy? Why is he talking to her? Why am I even thinking this? I don't even know her. And I'm certainly not jealous. Fuck this, this dude is getting on my nerves.

End of POV.

He goes down to the bar. He makes eye contact with this douche who recognized Leonardo. The guy leaves in fear. He sits down next to her. This is the first time he is actually looking at her. She is really the most beautiful woman he laid his eyes on. She looks at him surprised.

Laura's POV:

Huh! Is this guy for real! He ruined my plan! But he is for sure very attractive, so I don't really mind, he will do too. I just need to flirt with him and take his wallet. Easy, I will do like I always do.

End of POV.

-"Hi" Laura said in a flirty manner.

-"What are you drinking, bellissima" (beautiful)? Leonardo replied.

-"Sex on the beach" she said seductively.

-"Bold choice" he replied.

-"What are you drinking handsome" she said.

-"Scotch on the rocks" he responded.

-"Bold choice" she imitated him.

While he was taking a sip of his drink, she put her hand on his arm touching his bicep up and down. She slowly made her way up and put her arm around his neck, sitting on his lap. She dragged her arm lower, reaching for his pockets, hoping to find his wallet. When she found it, she tried to take it in her hands and snatch it from his pockets. She proceeded with this method but then she felt a grip on her wrist.

-"What are you doing, bellissima!" Leonardo said angrily.

-"Nothing, I don't know, I'm pretty drunk" she said, innocently lying.

-"You just tried to steal my wallet, don't tell me you don't know!" he replied with the same intonation.

-"I...I'm sorry, I just need the money" she confessed.

-"You clearly don't know who I am or else you wouldn't have tried to pull that stunt on me" he replied.

-"Am I supposed to know who you are?" she asked.

-"I'm Leonardo Medicci" he said.

-"Still doesn't ring a bell" she replied.

Leonardo's POV:

Is she serious? She really doesn't know who I am. Everyone knows who I am! I would lie if I said that I don't like that she doesn't know me. It's better this way, she would get scared and run in the opposite direction. She must be new here. That would explain why I haven't seen her before, and not to mention her incredibly sexy accent. Trust me, I would recognize that face and that body anywhere. But why does she need the money? She's wearing a revealing dress that looks expensive, she has her hair done and her makeup too. She looks like she's rich, maybe I am just thinking that because of her looks. Most probably.

End of POV.

-"Why do you need the money?" he asked her.

-"I don't know you, I'm not gonna tell you anything" she replied.

-"If you tell me, maybe I can help you" he said.

-"Ok fine, the truth is that I'm broke, I just moved here and I don't have a lot of money"she confessed.

-"Where are you from?" he asked,

-"I'm from Canada"she said.

-"So you think stealing is a good idea?" he asked.

-"No, I just can't find a job" she admitted.

-"What's your name?" he asked her. -"Laura"she told him.

-"Laura? You don't have a last name?" he asked.

-"Laura Marcotte" she said.

-"Well Miss. Marcotte, I would like to offer you a job"he implied.

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