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Laura's POV:

This morning, I was awakened by a familiar voice. A familiar voice that I never wanted to hear again. My mother. But wait. Didn't I escape? Did they find me? No. No, this can't be happening! I'm hearing her voice now. She's saying all these mean things. You will never be good enough. Worthless child. Those scars will remind you how a mistake you are. No one will ever love you. Her words keep echoing through my head. Over and over again. No one will ever love you. This is too much. Why can't I be happy? Am I really a mistake? I need to escape. I need to get away from this hell. I will never let someone talk to me like that again. I will not go through that again. Never. I need to escape. That's when screams woke me up. My screams.

End of POV.

-"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here" Leonardo said, taking her in his arms.

-"I need to escape!" she screamed on his chest.

-"Escape? It was just a nightmare bellissima" he replied, still hugging her.

-"Leonardo?" she said, looking at him.

-"Yes, it's only me bellissima" he added.

-"Did they find me?" she asked, crying.

-"Who?" he said, angry.

-"No one, nevermind" she said, scratching the scar on her neck

-"Tell me!" he said.

-"It's nothing" she replied.

-"Who did this to you?" he asked, noticing the scar she was scratching.

-"What happened last night? I remember fainting I think? Someone caught me" she added.

-"If I tell you, you have to tell me who gave you this scar" he responded.

-"Deal" she said.

-"Yes, you fainted and I was the one that caught you, now tell me their names" he replied.

-"Thank you for catching me, I could have hit my head" she responded.

-"You're welcome, now stop avoiding the subject and tell me" he demanded.

-"I don't like to talk about it, it reminds me of it" she affirmed.

-"Bellissima, please, I just want to make them pay for hurting you" he said.

-"Fine. I'll tell you, but you need to listen to me and not talk, ok?" she implied.

-"Perfetto"(perfect) he replied.

-"As you know, I'm from Canada. More precisely form the province of Québec. I grew up in a small city close to the border with my parents and my twin brother, Charles. Long story short, our parents weren't nice people. They were alcoholics and drug addicts and they abused me and my brother. They are the one who gave me that scar. And many more" she confessed.

-"Tell me their names" he demanded.

-"Even if you knew their names, what are you gonna do?" she asked.

-"Leave that to me", he replied.

-"I won't tell you their names, not now" she said.

-"Ok, fine. Why did you faint last night?" he added.

-"When Jack pushed me on the brick wall in the alley, he was really close to me. I could smell the alcohol he had drunk from his breath. That smell reminded me of my father's, right before he would hit me. Jack also tried to touch me, like my own father tried to do. It was just all too much and the fact that you killed him in front of me, in my face, didn't help. So I fainted" she confessed.

-"If you don't want the job anymore, I'll understand" he added.

-"No, I still want the job" she responded.

-"Ok, I will try to avoid this situation next time, I will make sure they don't get too close to you in the alley" he affirmed.

-"Ok, thank you" she said.

-"No need to thank me" he replied, leaving her room.

Leonardo's POV:

God. I can't believe she went through all that. We have more in common than she knows. I will make sure that her next jobs will be more monitored. By me of course. I wish I could kill Jack all over again for what he did to her.

End of POV.

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