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Leonardo's POV:

I walked into a cold and abandoned house and waited in the hallway of it. My victim was in the room just next to me. His name is Jared. Jared. What a loser name. I entered the room, only to find him facing me.

-"Surprised to see me Jared?" I laughed.

-"Medicci. Please, I didn't do anything"Jared said.

-"Yes you did. You tried to touch and kill my fiancée" I replied.

-"It wasn't my choice. My boss told me to" he responded.

-"Well, too bad you accepted" I said. "You see, I don't like people who try to touch what's mine, so now you're gonna pay for it" I said before punching him and bringing him to one of my men. I got into my car and started driving towards my private jet. I got on and Jared was tied up in the back. After two hours, we landed in New York and I drove home. I entered my house only to be greeted by the most beautiful human being.

-"Baby!!" she screamed before jumping in my arms.

-"Hi amore" I said, before kissing her lips.

-"I missed you so much, mon amour" she said. (My love)

-"That was so sexy, say it again" I smirked.

-"Mon amour" she repeated, kissing my neck.

-"Stop doing that or I will take you right here" I replied.

-"Ok baby" she responded, before hearing the doorbell.

-"I'll get it" Sebastian said, opening the door.

-"Well, I have to go to the basement, wait for me in our bedroom"I said to her before smacking her ass and walking down to the basement.

End of POV.

At the door:

-"Roselle?!"Sebastian said, shocked.

-"Hi Sebastian. Glad you remember me" Roselle replied.

-"Of course I remember you, you were my partner before you left almost two years ago" Sebastian implied.

-"Do you know why I left? I left because of this" she said, handing him a picture of a little boy.

-"What?Who is this kid?" Sebastian asked.

-"It's your son. Remember when we slept together that night we got drunk? Well, that's the reason I left. Our son" she affirmed, crying.

-"What's his name?" he asked.

-"His name is Lorenzo Moretti, he's one year old" she said.

-"He looks just like me" Sebastian said, shedding a tear.

-"He does, he has your dark hair and your beautiful green eyes." Roselle replied.

-"Why didn't you tell me? I would have been there for you. The both of you." Sebastian responded.

-"I found out I was pregnant about two weeks later. I was going to tell you one night but I found you making out with a girl and then leading her to your hotel room. I decided that me and my baby deserved a better life." she said, crying.

-"You should have told me! You meant everything to me! That girl didn't. So you decided that it would be best to keep my own child away from me?! You know I would've never hurt you or our child. I had the right to know that you were carrying my child! Why now? Huh! Why wait until I missed every first thing he's done? I wasn't there when he said his first word. I wasn't there when he took his first steps. And I wasn't there to see the only woman I have ever loved give birth to our child!" Sebastian said, screaming, making her flinch and take a step back. "I'm sorry Lina, I didn't mean to scare you. I just need to know why you're here now" he said.

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