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They arrived at his mansion. It was really huge, not in that way, I know what you were all thinking. They pulled up in his parking space. She reached for the door handle but he stopped her.

-"Stay where you are"he said to her.

-"Ok?" she said, unsure.

She watched him getting out of the driver's seat, making his way around the car to open the door for her. I may be a total asshole sometimes, but my mother told me to always treat women with respect.

-"Why thank you, sir" she said seductively.

-"You're welcome bellissima" he replied.

-"You keep calling me that, what does it mean?" she asked.

-"It means "beautiful" in Italian" he said.

-"You're Italian?" she asked.

-"Yes" he replied.

-"Oh and thank you!"she said quickly.

-"For what?" he said.

-"For the job offer and letting me stay at your house" she said.

-"It's my pleasure" he said,

-"And also for calling me beautiful" she replied.

She walked towards the house, making her way inside. He watched her walk, looking at her ass. Inside, she was greeted by Irene, the maid.

-"Hi! You must be very important to Leonardo if he's letting you in his house" Irene said.

-"Oh no! We just met, I'm not important" she said.

-"You are" Irene replied.

-"And may I ask who you are?" Laura asked.

-"I'm Irene, the maid, oh and also Leonardo's mother's friend"she affirmed..

-"Oh and is she around?" she asked.

-"Oh dear, she passed away four years ago" Irene said.

-"I'm sorry I didn't know" Laura said.

Seconds later, Leonardo walked in greeting Irene.

-"Irene, please show Miss Marcotte to her room" Leonardo said.

-"Yes absolutely, follow me dear" she said.

They walked up the staircase and turned to the left. They were in a hallway where there were only three rooms, two to the left and one to the right.

-"Your room is the room on the far left. The other on the left is Leonardo's office and the one on the right is his bedroom" Irene said.

-"Ok thank you" Laura replied.

She made her way to her room. She walked into a beautiful bedroom. It was very minimalistic but still perfect, better than her old apartment. There was a large bed in the middle of the room, with a nightstand on each side of it. There was also a bathroom and a closet connected to the room. The bathroom was pretty big, with a bath and a shower. The closet was big and already full of clothes for her. She went back to the room and saw a new computer and a new cell phone on the bed with a note beside them. The note said: «These are for you, I already put my number on the phone if you need me, Leonardo ». She opened the phone and the computer, putting her passwords and accounts on them. She quickly changed into something more comfortable and heard a knock on the door.

-"Hey" Leonardo said.

-"Hey, thanks for these" she said pointing to the devices.

-"It's nothing, come follow me" he said.

-"Ok but where?" she asked.

-"Downstairs, I want to introduce you to my team" he said.

They made their way downstairs. When they arrived in the living room, there were six people standing in the middle of the room.

-"Everyone, this is Laura Marcotte, she will be our baiter" Leonardo said.

"First, this is Sebastian Moretti, twenty-four years old, my right-hand man, best friend and assassin. If I need someone dead in no time, he's my man. Next, this is Grey Martinez, twenty years old, bomb specialist. He can make any bomb and may I add the most powerful ones, in less than an hour. Next, there is Erin Martinez, Grey's twin sister. She is a professional stealer. She was born with sticky fingers and will steal anything without you noticing. She works with her girlfriend, Melanie Reeves. She is nineteen. They are an amazing team and never disappoint me. Next, there is Xander Russo. Xander is twenty-three years old. He's an FBI agent. He is our connection with the police. He informs us when there is a problem and things regarding the police. Lastly, this is Sofia, my younger sister. She is eighteen and she is our hacker. She is the best with computers and can hack every system. Oh, and minor detail, she is in a relationship with Grey. And as a reminder for him, if he hurts her, I will kill him. You may introduce yourself now Laura." he finished.

-"Hi everyone, it's very nice to meet you. My name is Laura Marcotte, I'm twenty-one years old and I'm from Canada. I'm the baiter, as you already know" she said.

-"Everyone will treat her with the same respect you give me" Leonardo affirmed.

"If you have any questions feel free to ask me" he replied, facing Laura, making his way out of the room.

Before he could leave the room, he heard Sebastian flirt with Laura. That made him jealous, but he didn't know why. He left the room anyway. Later that night, he had a talk with Sebastian.

-"She's off-limits!" Leonardo said angrily.

-"Woah! Dude chill" Sebastian replied.

-"She's mine ok!" he added.

-"Yes she's yours I get it. Bro, you have it hard. You've known her for like what, three hours?" Sebastian said.

-"I don't know! I just got jealous when she was talking to that guy at the bar" he confessed.

-"And again when I talked to her" Sebastian said.

-"You weren't talking to her, you were flirting with her!" he snapped at him.

-"Dude, you like her!" Sebastian said laughing.

-"No I do not" he replied.

-"Yes you do, she likes you too" he said.

-"What? How do you know?" Leonardo said.

-"When I was ''flirting'' with her, she was looking at you" he said.

-"Really?" Leonardo replied.

-"Yes really, now you better make her yours before somebody else does" he said.

-"If someone even tries to touch her, I will kill them" Leonardo said.

-"You really like her dude" Sebastian said.

-"Get out of my office now I'm done talking to you" he replied.

-"Make sure you tell her for tomorrow" Sebastian said, leaving the room.

Leonardo made his way to her room. The door was wide open so he leaned against the door frame looking at her. She turned around and saw him.

-"You scared me!" she said.

-"I'm sorry I just wanted to see if you were okay?" he said.

-"Yes, I'm good" she replied.

-"Ok perfect because are you ready?" he asked her.

-"Ready for what?" she asked.

-"Ready for your first job tomorrow" he added.

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