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Every Mafia has allies and enemies. The Italian Mafia has a lot more allies than enemies. Mostly because the other Mafias want to be associated with power, and that's what Leo's Mafia has. Power. Some of his allies are the Spanish Mafia, runned by Carlos Perez. His father, Dante Perez, was a close friend of Flavio. Both Leo and Carlos hated them, they still do. Dante died in a car accident two years ago. Since then, Carlos took over, the privilege of being an only child. Leo and Carlos have stayed allies, which brings power to both of their Mafia. Then, there is the British Mafia, runned by Lloyd Wright. They also have been allies to the Italian Mafia for a long time. And the Russian Mafia, runned by Andrei Egorov. They are the second biggest Mafia, after Leo's. The Irish Mafia is runned by Cillian Walsh. They are allies as well as the Brazilian Mafia, runned by Pedro Valle. Leo also has smaller gangs as allies. He has a lot of enemies. But he can deal with them pretty easily. His biggest enemy is the Mexican Cartel. Their leader is Dante Hernandez. They were allies at first, but then they helped Flavio kill Jane. When Leo found out, he went on a killing spree, killing almost all of their men. Also, Sebastian's twin brother, Darren Moretti, made a deal with the Mexican Cartel three years ago. Sebastian and Darren never got along. They also look exactly like each other. Only Leonardo's men and team can tell them apart. He was part of the Italian Mafia before. But he was always the odd one. He never listened to Leo's orders. As if Leonardo didn't hate him enough as it is, he went behind Leo's back and tried to kill him. He didn't succeed. Leonardo knew because Sebastian suspected his brother and told his best friend. As a reminder of this day, Darren has a scar on his face. Leo gave it to him with his knife. It's right in his face, so that every time he looks in the mirror, he remembers to never betray Leonardo Medicci. Now, Leo doesn't know where Darren is. He doesn't care. But he is prepared for the day he will strike back. And he will have no mercy.

Laura's POV:

It's been a month since the day it was supposed to be our first date. It still hasn't happened. We still spend a lot of time together. We kiss each other every chance we get. We can't get enough of each other. Leo can't keep his hands off of me. He can't even keep his lips away from my neck. Every time we hug, his face always ends up in my neck, kissing, licking and sucking on my skin. He always leaves a couple of hickeys to mark me. He says that everybody needs to know I belong to him. Which is fine with me, I like the feeling it gives me. He's gone pretty much all the time. I get it, he's a Mafia leader, and a very powerful and arrogant one I must add. But with me, he's a gentleman. He treats me like a princess. His princess. Every night, we end up in one of each other's beds. Mostly in his. We also cuddle a lot. I'm usually asleep before he comes home. So I go into bed and drift off to sleep. I'm always laying on the left side of the bed, so when he comes to sleep with me, he goes behind me and puts his arms around me. He holds me so tight that sometimes I can't even breathe. Or even, he snakes one of his arms on top of me and grabs one of my boobs and buries his face into my neck. I'm not even sure he can even breathe sometimes. This morning, I woke up with him on top of me. He's like suffocating me with his body weight. I tried to wiggle out of his hold but he woke up and held me down. «I like you underneath me bellissima» he said. He prompted himself on his forearms and stared into my eyes. Then, his eyes were stuck on my lips, then on my neck. He immediately started caressing my neck with his mouth. He left a couple of hickeys then got up. I did the same and went straight to my room. As I was leaving the room, he smacked my ass and yelled: «Damn!». I finally left the room and got dressed. I ran downstairs to eat some breakfast because I'm as hungry as a wolf right now. Before I stepped on the last step of the stairway, I'm lifted in the air. Leo carried me in his arms all the way to the kitchen. We were all alone in this big house because everyone was at their own house and Sebastian was on a mission in Manchester and will come back next week. He put me down on the counter and started cooking.

End of POV.

-"I didn't know you could cook?" she asked him.

-"There are a lot of things you don't know about me" he said.

-"Ok then, I ask you a question, you answer then you ask me one and I answer." she replied.

-"Fine. You start" he responded.

-"Who taught you how to cook?" she asked.

-"My mother did" he said. "My turn. Ever had any boyfriends?" he asked her.

-"Yes" she replied.

-"Tell me who they are" he said, turning to face her.

-"Ok, his name is Leonardo Medicci" she replied, laughing.

-"Ha ha, very funny" he responded, going back to his food.

-"So when are we going on our date?" she asked him.

-"How about today?" he said.

-"Yay!!!! It's gonna be my very first date, you?" Laura implied.

-"Me too bellissima, me too" he said, putting down the plates on the table.

They started eating and talking together. They asked each other questions to get to know each other better. Like, their favourite colour, their zodiac signs and many other things. They finished eating and put the dishes away. They went upstairs to get ready for their date. While they were preparing, Leonardo got a phone call about a problem at one of his warehouses. He told Laura that he had to go deal with something and that their date will have to be tonight. She gave him a kiss goodbye and he left. She decided to take a shower to kill some time.

Laura's POV

I got out of the shower. Dried my hair with the blow dryer. Put it up in a ponytail and got dressed. I was wearing one of Leo's black t-shirts, again, and a pair of light blue jeans. I went downstairs and noticed a man standing in the entrance. If he was allowed in Leo's mansion, he must be pretty important. He was facing the door so I couldn't see his face properly. He turned around and he looked at me. Like he found what he was searching for.

End of POV.

-"Ah! Laura! Just who I was looking for" the man said.

-"Sebastian? I thought you were on a mission in Manchester" Laura reminded.

-"Yes, but I finished the mission now and I need your help with something" Darren replied.

-"My help? What for? Oh mon dieu! (oh my god), You have a huge scar on your face!" she alerted.

-"Yes, I got it on the mission" Darren implored.

-"Does Leonardoknow you're back?" she declared.

-"No" Darren said, grinning his teeth after hearing his name.

-"When will you tell him?" Laura asked.

-"I will tell him when I see him, now, I need to take you somewhere, come with me" Darren said, pointing at the door.

-"Ok" she said, going out the door.

They got out of the mansion, going straight towards Darren's car. She got into the passenger seat and buckled up. He started driving and drove for at least fifteen minutes.

-"Where are we going exactly?" Laura asked.

-"To a warehouse, now stop asking questions" Darren said, snapping at her.

Darren's POV:

God! I really hate this bitch. I don't know what Leonardo sees in her. I mean, she's hot, don't get me wrong. But damn she's annoying. I should have gone with my original plan. Kidnap Sebastian, torture him a little. But my idiot of a brother was on a fucking mission! Across the fucking world! So I had to fucking impersonate him to get this dumb whore to come with me. But this is actually better. She is Leonardo's weakness. I will use her as bait. That's what he thinks I'm gonna do. I will torture her for sure, then, I'm gonna have my fun with her, infront of Leonardo. After another long hour of driving, we arrived at our destination.

End of POV.

-"We're here" he said.

-"Great, why do you need my help?" Laura asked.

Before she could have an answer, he punched her in the face, making her unconscious. He picked her up and walked inside the warehouse. He tied her up to a chair and waited for her to wake up. 

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