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Leonardo's POV:

I left her room and went into mine to change. I already hate this man and now he interrupted a beautiful moment I had with my girlfriend. Now, I want to kill him even more. Once I was ready, I decided to go in front of Laura's bedroom door. She said she was having a shower. On the other side of the door, I could hear the water running. I closed my eyes and imagined what she looked like naked. Washing her beautiful long brown hair. Then washing her perfect body with her hands rubbing the soap onto herself. I imagined myself washing her, my hands feeling her flawless curves, and cupping her breasts from behind, washing them in circular motions. Then, gliding my hands lower, to pleasure her with my fingers while she presses her body onto mine. Hearing her perfect moans for me, only me. I reopened my eyes, realizing I have to talk to him. The man I hate the most. I gathered all of my self-control not to go into her room and touch her and went downstairs. Sebastian was waiting for me at the entrance and started walking towards the dining table, where Mr.Hernandez was sitting. Just seeing him made me want to kill him. His face looks like a punching bag that I want to punch so bad. Not only did he help my father kill my mother, but he cockblocked me. Kind of. I sat on the opposite side of the table.

End of POV.

-"Good to see you again Mr.Medicci" Dante said.

-"Can't say the same" Leonardo replied.

-"You're probably wondering why I'm here" Dante asked.

-"I do, but you have a death wish coming in my house after what you've done" Leonardo snapped at him.

-"I heard you hired a new baiter" Dante added.

-"I did, and why does that concern you?" Leonardo asked in an angry tone.

-"Well, I've heard good things about her, some of my men spotted her at one of your clubs, she sure is a pretty little thing" Dante implied.

-"What is your point?" Leonardo said, clenching his fists.

-"I want to offer you ten million in exchange for your baiter, she would be a great addition to my team" Dante replied.

-"She's not for sale, she's part of my team, not yours and she will never be" Leonardo snapped at him.

-"Twenty million" Dante replied.

-"No amount of money will make me change my mind" Lenoardo said.

-"Oh, I get it now, you're fucking her aren't you. Of course, you are, just like your father, fucking your employees. If you want to keep her so badly, she must be really good in bed. I mean, she sure looks like she is. You'll get bored of her eventually. She's just your slut for the week. When you'll be bored, pass her to me, I'll show her what a great time really is." Dante responded, smiling.

-"If you even think about touching her, I will end your pathetic life. Don't test me, Dante, I'm even worse than my father." Leonardo replied.

-"Speaking of your whore, there she is. Damn, look at that ass. I want her wrapped around my dick. And trust me, when I want something, I get it. I wanted your mother dead, and guess what, she is." Dante said as Laura was walking down the stairs, going to the kitchen.

-"This was your last warning Dante, get out of my property and never, ever, talk about my baiter like that again." Leonardo added.

-"It was great talking business with you Leonardo" Dante replied, leaving the house.

Leonardo's POV:

I got up from my chair, walking towards the kitchen, where Laura was. I walked up behind her, grabbing her ass with both of my hands. She gasped at my touch. One of my hands has a mind of its own because it was cupping one of her perfect breasts. I heard her sigh in relief. She pushed her head on my shoulder, exposing her neck to me. I didn't hesitate before bending my head down and connecting my lips with her soft skin. I start leaving a trail of sloppy kisses from her collar bone to behind her ear. I see her bite her lip in appreciation. «Stop doing that» I said in between kisses. «Stop doing what?» she asked me. «Biting your lip, it turns me the fuck on» I replied. She let go of her bottom lip and I continued licking and sucking on her neck like a hungry man. I was desperately trying to find her sweet spot and I finally did because I heard the most beautiful sound ever. She let out a moan while I left a wet kiss right behind her right ear. That's it. I went lower and all over her neck and then back to that specific spot just to hear her moan again. Once she did, I detached my lips from her neck and spun her around. My hands were around her waist once again, holding on for dear life. Before I could even taste her lips, she kissed my jawline. She had her hands on the back of my neck, holding me in place. She kissed from my chin to my left ear, then came back to my chin to my right ear. Then, she went even lower, kissing me on my neck like I did to her. It felt so fucking good. My breathing got heavier when she bent down and started licking the tattoo on my chest. She kept eye contact with me while she was tracing the outline of it with the tip of her tongue. If this is a dream, don't wake me up. «Fuck» I moaned. She blushed at the sound I made and I lost it. I took hold of her shoulders, lifting her from her previous position. Our lips connected and it felt so right. She felt so right. I placed my hands back on her ass and she wrapped her legs around my waist. God I can't wait to have those legs around my waist while she's being pleasured. I held her body onto mine like she belonged there. That's where she belongs now. In my arms, safe from everything. I placed her on the counter behind us, closing the space between us. She started unbuttoning my shirt when I heard a familiar voice say my name.

End of POV.

-"Leooooooooo" Sebastian sang.

-"What the fuck do you want" Leonardo said, annoyed.

-"I was just going to inform you that we have to leave, you know, to kill someone" Sebastian replied.

-"Yes, I'm coming" Leonardo said. Next time I will say those words, it will be because of Laura. "I have to go baby, I'm sorry we have to cancel tonight" he said.

-"It's fine, go catch your bad guy, and be careful, please" Laura said, giving him one last kiss on the lips.

Leonardo buttoned his shirt once again and got in the car with Sebastian. They went over the plan once again, just to make sure they do it right. «So, I will go in first and hit him so that he will be unconscious, then, you come in and we bring him to the basement in the house.» Leonardo said. They pulled up to one of Dante's clubs and walked in. All eyes were on them. Girls were drooling and guys were jealous. They went straight to Dante's office and Leonardo walked in, while Sebastian was waiting on the other side of the door. «Ah, Leonardo Medicci, are you here because you changed your mind? You're ready to give me your slut.» Dante said. Before Dante could utter another word, Leonardo punched him right in the face with a right hook, blood splattering all over Leonardo's shirt. Before Dante could swing back, he hit him again with his knee, right in the stomach. Then, another one, and another one. Once he was unconscious, he called Sebastian from the other side of the door. They carried his body out the back door and brought him to the basement of the house. 

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