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Laura's POV:

I couldn't sleep. I tried, but I couldn't. I can't stop the thoughts about him being injured coming to my mind. I know he goes on these kinds of missions on a regular basis. But I'm still new to this lifestyle. I just hope he's alright. I wonder when they will get back. It's been almost six hours. I closed my eyes, trying to get some sleep, but still no result. Since I can't sleep, I might as well get a snack. I got out of my bed. I was only wearing one of Leo's black shirts and my grey underwear. I walked through the hallway, passing Leo's office. Maybe he was in there. I looked inside, he wasn't there. I made my way down the stairway, leading to the entry. It was about three o'clock in the morning so it was still dark outside. The house was barely illuminated by anything. It was really dark but I managed to make my way to the kitchen perfectly. As I was opening the pantry to get a midnight snack, I heard the front door open. I ran towards the door as if I was running for my life. I was not prepared for what I was about to see. Leonardo's beautiful face was covered in blood. The grey shirt he was wearing was stained with this red liquid as well.

End of POV.

-"Leo! Are you okay?!" she asked.

-"Bellissima?Why are you awake?" he asked her.

-"I couldn't sleep" she admitted.

-"Go wait for me in my bed, I'll be there shortly" he said to her.

-"You didn't answer my question!" she snapped at him.

-"Yes I'm okay" he declared.

-"No you're not, you're bleeding!" she replied.

-"It's not my blood" he admitted.

-"Oh" she said.

-"Why couldn't you sleep bellissima? "he asked.

-"I was worried about you" she admitted.

These simple words. I was worried about you. Leonardo never had someone that worried about him during these missions, or even at all. He quickly replied with a kiss. She was surprised at first, but she responded with as much force and neediness. Her hands found his hair, holding his face to hers. His hands were on her waist, holding her close to his chest. He picked her up, putting her on a table that was near them. He positioned himself in between her legs. Suddenly, he broke the kiss.

-"I forgot to tell you how fucking sexy you look right now" he said.

-"What? I'm just wearing a normal shirt" she exclaimed .

-"You look so fucking good in my shirt fidanzata" replied.

-"Well thank you, you look really good too, though you would look better without this shirt" she said, taking off his shirt.

-"You drive me fucking crazy bellissima" he said looking straight into her eyes.

She ran her hands on his abs, going lower and lower. He took her hands, placing them on his chest. She held onto him as he claimed her lips once more, tasting her. They kissed each other with so much passion, they didn't even realize that they weren't alone.

-"I hope I'm not interrupting anything" Sebastian said, laughing.

-"Figlio di puttana! " (son of a bitch) Leonardo said.

-"Sorry" Sebastian replied.

-"You've got to be kidding me!" Leonardo said.

-"He's ready for you in the basement" Sebastian informed.

-"Great, I'll be there in a minute" Leonardo added.

-"Alright, bye Laura" Sebastian said, winking at her.

-"Smettila di guardare ciò che è mio!" (stop looking at what's mine) Leonardo said, screaming.

Sebastian just laughed at his comment and walked away. Leonardo hates when he gets interrupted. He hates it even more when people interrupt him and Laura. That has been happening a lot lately. He gives her a kiss on her forehead and tells her to go to his bed and wait for him. She nods and goes up the stairs. His eyes follow her until she closes the bedroom door behind her. He puts his shirt back on and goes to the basement. This asshole is his, and his only. He wants to make him suffer for what he said. For what he said about Laura. No one disrespects Leonardo, and no one will disrespect what is his. He makes his way down the hallway in the basement, leading to the room where the guy is. He opens the door, gets in and takes his favourite knife in his hands. The victim is tied to a chair, looking straight at Leonardo.

-"Let's have some fun, shall we?" Leonardo said, smirking at his victim, Dante.

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