Paths cross

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Moving had been the worst and the best part of Zanders life. For one, he was leaving the worst part of his childhood behind but he was also having to start a new life. To much freedom and the fear of making an enemy on the first day in school. It was overwhelming.

The day they got to the new house, his mother set up his room and told him to get some rest, the drive had tired them both out.

Zander ended up sleeping well that night, but not the night after. He dreaded going to the new school, yet he would rather start sooner than later. Get it over with and see what the year of hell would be like.

Unfortunately his new stepsister Hailey was not in his class. She did however show him around the school before hand. Waving goodbye as she sent him to his class.

It was... Surprisingly not bad. He was sitting at his desk when a classmate came over and sat next to him. Zander couldn't help but think of the sun when he looked into the boys eyes. Yet his hair reminded him of peanut butter.

"I hope you don't mind me sitting here! I'm Luke." The other offed Zander a reassuring smile. "My names Zander." He spoke quietly, and while Like was still smiling Zander felt somewhat embarrassed.

"What was your old home like?" Luke asked. Zander had never planned to open up about it, but Luke seemed so caring and trusting. "It reminded us of daddy. He was a bad person..."

Luke didn't give him the judgmental look most kids did when he admitted that. "Oh well at least you can make a few friends here!" Zander was jealous of how optimistic this boy was. "But what if they don't want to be my friend?"

Luke though for a moment. "well... Then they aren't worth it! You deserve the best."
Luke was definitely someone Zander wanted in his life.


Zander was reading a book sitting with the rest of the music club. "How's the book? " Milly asked. Zander looked up at her mildly annoyed. "It's alright, although I'm not a huge fan of the childhood friends to lovers aspect."

"What's wrong with that?" Luke asked without thinking. Zander raised an eyebrow as Luke blushed and started stuttering. "No- Not that it m-matters.. "
"Love just doesn't feel like it can last that long." Was all he said.


"Zander!" Luke ran faster to keep up with him. Zander ended up stopping and giving Luke a moment. "You're fast." Luke commented. "I try." He smirked as he realized Luke was trying to get his breath back. "I wasn't even going that fast he pointed out. "Besides we where running for 5 minutes Lukie."
"Only five?"

Zander nodded widely smiling. "How was that only five?" Luke laid on the grass and crossed his arms. "I'm not getting up now."
"Maybe you should go on more adventures." Zander suggested. "Could we go on one together?" Luke's eyes seemed to light up as he asked the question.

"As long as Mr.Fluffy can come along." Zander told him. " Mr. Fluffy?"
"He's my sheep! Mommy got him for me last year." Zanders wide smile made Luke smile too. "Of course he can come."


"Hey Zander?" Luke and Zander where at Zanders house after school, Luke laying on the bed and Zander sorting though old stuff. "Yeah?"
"Do you still have the sheep?" Luke asked sitting up.

"Uhh yeah, I was going to throw it out though..." He really didn't want to get rid of it. But he didn't want Luke to think he was childish.

"No don't get rid of him, he means a lot to you, and all the memories." Luke was smiling again that bright smile Zander loved so much. "Oh yeah, I doubt you even remember any of them."

Luke pretended to be offended. "Are you kidding those where the best. I remember we used to take him to the park..."
"You almost lost him once." Zander crossed his arms. 'Well I told you he was on the swing you just forgot."

"Besides if w... You have kids in the future you can give it to them and tell them all our amazing stories." Luke's face went slightly red, something Zander noted. "I suppose so... But it wouldn't be the same if we didn't tell them together."

"Well... Why don't we?"


"I'm scared." Zander admitted to the other two. "We will do great Zander." Luke reassured him. "Don't worry." Hailey also offered a smile that calmed Zander slightly.

At this point they had all been friends for a year or so, and Zander was getting to close to Luke... But he didn't want whatever he was feeling to stop.

"We're up next... " Luke said fiddling with the strings in his hoodie. "We can do this. " Hailey promised them. Zander nodded, still not quite confident. Luke took hold of Zanders hand. "You'll do amazing Zander."


"You... You have a crush on Luke? " Hailey asked, she looked shocked. "Is that a bad thing? " Zander looked away from his stepsister. "Oh no, it's not a bad thing at all... I'm just surprised. When did you realize?"

"Before the talent show... When he took hold of my hand was when I really knew. I had somewhat of an idea that I could have liked him before that but..."

"You where still getting used to your sexuality?" While Zander was comfortable with himself now it has been hard for him to accept himself at first. Luke was a big help for Zander, even if Luke didn't know it.

He nodded and Hailey hugged him. "Zander I'm not going to force you to say anything to Luke but if you need my help I will be here."

Zander hugged his sister back for a little bit, before being the one to pull away from the hug. "Thank you Hailey." She smiled at Zander and stood up, just as she left the room Zander heard her say.

"I believe in you Zander."

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