A not so good morning

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Luke went home that day in hope, maybe just maybe he would have a chance with Zander, no matter how small it was. It was there. He got into bed and hugged his pillow happier than he had ever been in a while. Having a crush on Zander had been the worst and best thing in his life. It made him feel happy, and giddy but also made him nervous. He was scared but also wanted more. 

Luke fell asleep smiling thinking of Zander, imagining what a future with him would be like, if he was allowed to have one.


The golden eyed boy was shaken awake by an angry mother, it was 6am, and he needed to get ready to school. He quickly got changed and rushed down, ignoring his mother like he always did if he wanted a good morning. Today however she wanted to talk to him. "When you get home I want your room spotless, or else you aren't going to go to your friends house over the weekend." Luke nodded, it was understandable she would want his room to be clean.

"Speak please, I would like a verbal answer." She half asked, half demanded. "Yes mom." He muttered. "Now, get going, your father left for work early so you'll have to walk or take the bus." That was it, no have a good day. No signs of affectation. Luke smiled weakly and left the room, not even saying goodbye. 


In school he was talking to Milly. She seemed to notice something was up with Luke today. "Hey are you okay?" She seemed worried for his friend, even if she was aggressive sometimes. It was mostly towards her enemies, however to her friends she was caring and nicer than anyone expected her to be. "I'm alright Milly, just thinking." This was true, in part. 

Luke was thinking about everything, his parents, Zander, his friends, school work. He knew today was probably going to be eventful. Yet he was scared that wouldn't be a good thing. "About what?" Milly asked him. Luke shrugged in response. Just as Milly was about to respond Zander and Hailey walked over.

"Hello Luke, Hey Milly." Hailey greeted them smiling. Zander said nothing, just looking at Luke, and quickly looking away once Luke had noticed. "Hi." Milly greeted, smiling back. Luke attempted to mimic their smile but it seemed halfhearted. 

That's how Zander knew something was wrong. He knew Lukes smile well, and clearly something was wrong. When he smiled it was wider, and his eyes sparkled. He always looked like he had just been told the best joke in the world. That was the smile Zander knew and loved. 

This smile. Was duller, his eyes didn't shine and they just looked sad. Zander was looking at Luke for so long he started to become aware of it, blushing slightly he looked away. He didn't have to much time to think about what he had done, due to his growing worry for his crush.


Luke and Zander walked home together again, like they normally did. They got to Zanders least favorite part, the crossroad. "I'll see you tomorrow Zander." Luke said, again with that fake smile that hurt Zander to see. "Luke... Wait." Zander wasn't sure what to say, but he had to be there for his friend. 

"Are you alright?" Zander started simple. There was hesitation on Lukes face. "I'm alright, why would you ask?" Zander took a deep breath and knew it was best to tell Luke the truth. "Just... I'm worried about you. See whenever you smile, and you mean it... Your eyes light up. Like you've just heard the best news of your life. Today it seemed duller... Sad almost. And maybe I'm just being creepy by analyzing your smile, but I'm worried."

Wordlessly Luke hugs him, just like when they where kids. Zander smiles and hugs Luke back, his smile quickly falls when he hears sniffles. Is Luke crying? "Thank you Zander." He said between sobs. "Thank you?" Zander echoes confused. Luke pulls away from the hug and rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry it just means a lot to me that you care so much."

Zander wanted to wipe away Lukes tears, but he didn't want Luke to see he likes him like that, especially now when Luke probably didn't want to know. "Of course I care about you Luke, your amazing, your kind caring and the best friend I could ever ask for." Zander looked at his feet at that.

"Yeah friendship is a wonderful thing isn't it?" Luke giggles sadly. Zander nods weakly. "Zander..." Luke speaks quietly. "I want you to be honest with me. Why exactly did you notice that much about my smile?" 

Zander takes a sharp breath. If Luke knew the truth maybe he would be wearied out. But he couldn't lie to Luke, not when the truth was something he really needed.


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