Drews redemption arc

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This chapter is dedicated to a close friend of mine. Love you /p (Also yes its a short one)  

Zander glared at Drew, moving closer to Luke. "What do you want?" Zander demanded. "Chill chill, I'm only here to save you guys from that." Drew leaned against a nearby locker and pulled out his phone. "Look- Drew... No offence but you've been a jerk to Zander for a long time-" 

"Yeah yeah, I get it your boyfriend doesn't trust me." Drews expression hardly changed, it was hard for the two to tell how he was feeling. "How did you know we were-" Luke began, earning a kick from Zander. "Ow-"  

Drew laughed and looked up at them. "You know it was just a joke right?" Drew almost let out a laugh seeing Zander and Lukes faces go bright red. "Relax, I'm happy for you." Zander was still death glaring Drew. 

"How can we trust you?" Zander asked arms crossed. "You don't need to trust me, that's not why I'm here." Drew shrugged ignoring the others confusion. "Then why are you here?" Luke asked, trying his hardest not to sound rude. "To make up for everything I did to you. I feel really bad about it." 

Zander looked at Luke in shock, wanting to see is boyfriends reaction. Luke seemed just as stunned as Zander was. "You want to make up for it?" Luke asked, Drew nodded. "We don't have to be friends or anything, but I won't be such a git." The three had nothing more to say to each other, so Drew got off the locker and made a quick gesture to say goodbye. 


When Zander told Hailey about Drew being nice she seemed surprised. "He was nice to me while you where gone, I think he blamed himself you you disappearing." Zander rolled his eyes, of course Drew did. "So he wanted to make it up to you?" He asked. "I think so? It seemed like it."

Drew smiled to himself, he would be given a second chance he could get Jake back, sure maybe it would take a while for him to get used to the freaks, and besides its not like Zander would make things easy (Jake had told them horror stories from when he first joined the club) but he was willing to do it all for Jake.

His Jake. The one who would listen to anything he had to say, the one who would be there for him no matter how horrible they both knew Drew was. Jake had made him feel heard, and as much as he hated to admit it. Jake made him feel loved. Drew knew he had screwed their friendship up, but maybe just maybe this was a way to fix it. 

It had to be. 

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