Things go wrong again

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The group gathered around a park, it was close to 4am now, and they had to talk quickly and get to their homes. "I saw plane tickets on Lukes kitchen table, I think his parents are leaving." Hailey told them. "But why would they leave now?" Milly asked, she was somewhat excited to solve this, yet still filled with worry for her friends. "Well... I think that Luke heard they where leaving, and ran away." 

"And Zander knew where he went." Sean finished. "Meaning they are probably together right now." Jake pointed out. "That's what I'm hoping. We know they would keep each other safe." Hailey refused to cry, yet she felt like it. Why hadn't Zander told them what was happening. "I wish they had told us." Milly said quietly, this got the groups attention, normally Milly was pretty loud. 

"We could have done something to help them." She looked down at the ground. "We could have given Luke somewhere to stay." Sean walked over and hugged Milly, she hugged him back, closing her eyes tightly. "I didn't know either of them that well, but I would have helped." Jake muttered, even if Zander hated him, he still wanted to be a good friend. 

"We all would have helped, but now all we can do is hope." 


Zander woke up before Luke. Zander however refused to get up as Luke still had his arms around Zander, and he didn't want to wake Luke up. He looked up at the tents roof and smiled, they had made it, just the two of them. Now they had planned to stay for only four days, but Zander wanted to stay for longer no matter how impossible he knew it was. 

Luke woke up and saw Zander, his heart racing. Would he ever get used to this feeling? Kissing Zander cheek he whispered. "Morning." Zander jumped a bit before smiling and kissing Luke. "Good morning." Zander sat up and so did Luke. "So, breakfast?" Luke pulled out a tin of soup and two bowls from his bag. "Soup for breakfast?" Zander questioned amused. "Well... Its probably what I got the most of." Luke admitted.

"Well could be worse." Zander shrugged. Luke got up and left the tent, Zander following behind. Luke quickly gathered some sticks and pulled a lighter out of his pocket. "Where did you get that?" Zander asked shocked. "My mom has a lot." He carefully lit a small fire and started cooking. 


About an hour later Luke was washing the used bowls in a nearby river, if it was clean or not the two where not sure, but it was the best they could do. "What do you want to do today?" Luke asked the shorter. "Well... It would be cool to explore, make sure we can find our way out if we need it." Luke raised an eyebrow. "You say that like we won't come out." 
"You don't know that we will." Zander told him, Luke stood up and kissed Zanders forehead. "Don't worry about it. Two more days, and then we will be home." 


Hailey did go into school that day, she was really tired after last nights adventures but she couldn't stay at home until they came back... If they came back. When she got to her locker Drew and Jake approached her. "Hailey." Jake said smiling. Hailey looked over and sighed. "What dose Drew want now." 

"I'm sorry." Of course now he was apologizing. Hailey wondered if it was out of pity rather than a genuine apology. "I was a real jerk to all of the club." He admitted. "And I want to make an effort to do better." Hailey wasn't sure if she wanted to hear that, the sympathy was making her feel sick. "You should have really said that when Zander was here..." She trailed off, knowing it wouldn't help anything. "But I believe in second chances, so... Thank you." 

With that Hailey closed her locker. "I should get to class now." She told them, walking away from the other two. Today might be even worse. 


Luke tried to convince himself he was fine, after all he had only fallen a little bit, it wasn't that tall of a tree, his left ankle hurt the most, and he hadn't tried walking on it yet. Zander was quick to his side, panic on his face. "I'm sorry, I thought the branch was more stable." He took hold of Lukes hand. "Can you stand?" 

Luke carefully stood up with Zanders help, leaning on him for support, he was keeping his left ankle off the ground, casing Zanders face to pale. "Is it broken?" Luke shock his head. "Don't think so, it doesn't look broken, maybe twisted or something." 

Zander still looked worried, Luke squeezed his hand to reassure him. "Its fine, you didn't make me fall out of the tree." Once he realized that still wasn't working he tried to stand on it to prove he was alright, it hurt a lot but he tried to deal with it. 

Zander could see Luke in pain. "Don't- you'll make it worse... Maybe we should get you back." Luke shock his head. "No, I'll be fine." He looked more worried about going back than the possible leg damage. "But you need to get that checked." Zander pointed out. "They might send me away...."   

"I promise you, I won't let them." 

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