The pianist comes clean

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Zander wasn't sure where to begin, so he went way back to when they where kids. 

"We where 10 when I started to notice little things about you... The way you started to fiddle with your hands when you got nervous. Would hop from one foot to the other when you where excited. And the way your eyebrows would furrow when you got mad or confused. It got easy to tell which one over time.

About a year later I noticed the way you smiled, I noticed the way your hair would mess up after P.E and the colour of your eyes started to remind me of the sun. I noticed how pretty you where. And now years later... I still see that, I still see when you smile and mean it. I see how you still do that thing with your eyebrows, but more so in confusion now days... See you're doing it now." 

There was silence for a moment but Zander knew he had more to say. 

"Hailey knew of course, she could tell I would see all of this, she knew how I felt about you, and she has for years. Whenever we are together I can hardly take my eyes of you. I just can't help it... You have a beautiful personality and that makes you look adorable on the outside too. I just..." 

He stops seeing Lukes expression. Normally he was good at reading the others expression however now, he couldn't seem to tell. Was Luke angry? Surprised? Did he feel the same way? Zanders breathing quickened as he started to realise what he had said. 

Luke wasn't sure what to say, his best friend. His crush. Zander. Had just confessed to him, he seemed so heartfelt. He could tell Zander meant every single word that he said. "Z...Zander?" He tried to sound collected, but he felt so happy, he couldn't think straight.

"Sorry that was weird... You probably didn't need to hear that right now..." He trailed off and was about to walk away but Luke stopped him. "Zander... Please don't leave." It was almost a beg. Luke hated how weak he sounded. Zanders lavender eyes met Lukes golden one. There was silence between the two but it wasn't uncomfortable, it was a moment of realization for both of them.

Zander became more aware of Lukes feelings, all those times he had tried to get close, the clear moments when he needed someone to be there for him, the care he felt for Zander and the way Luke wanted to be with him. And how happy Luke truly looked when Zander would so him any hint of affection.

Luke however noticed Zanders fear, the worry, the sadness. He wanted to make everything better, he wanted to see his smile, but he wanted Zander to mean it. Luke wondered how long Zander had been suffering in silence and it pained him more to know he could have been the cause of it.

"You mean it?" Luke asked, he didn't need to, he already knew but he wanted a verbal confirmation. Zander nodded. "I do." Without thinking, Luke held Zander close, their faces almost touching. "Can I..." Luke was cut off by Zander pressing his lips against Lukes.

They kissed for what felt like forever, eventually having to pull away Zander hugged Luke. "I'm sorry I hadn't noticed before." He said quietly. Luke returned the hug, holding him tightly. "Zander you don't have to be sorry. You made things so much better even if you didn't mean to." Zander smiled into Lukes chest. "What I'm trying to say is I love you Zander." Luke finished. "I... I love you too." Zander was in shock to say the least, and to finally get out his feelings he felt so good.

Going home Luke felt a thousand butterflies flying around his stomach, thinking of Zander the whole way home. Getting home he was alone, thank goodness. His mother had left to meet his father somewhere, in her note mentioning 'something they need to discus'. That made Luke slightly nervous, but he tried to move on from that. Surely it was nothing too bad.

Zander could hardly process the events of the day. Hailey had got home before him and she was waiting to hear why he was late back. "Come on you where with Luke, something has to have happened." She said sparkle in her eyes. "Nothing happened..." He wasn't lying on purpose. Sure he and Luke had agreed on being boyfriends, but did Luke want everyone to know?

"You can tell me." Hailey reassured him. Zander thought about it for a second, he, Hailey and Luke had all been close for years, surely Luke wouldn't have a problem with her knowing. "Okay fine, something did happen." He admitted. Zander saw Hailey smile. "Go on." Zander was sure Hailey noticed his face was bright red. "We kissed... And then Luke asked me to be his boyfriend."

Haileys smile became a smirk, she had known the two had a crush on each other for years. "It was about time, I was always telling Luke he had nothing to fear." Zander looked at her shocked. "You knew?" She nodded wisely. "Luke had told me about a week after you had, I wanted to say something but I knew it was best for you to find out on your own."

Luke heard the front door open and his name was called, he walked downstairs and was met with the face of his parents. "We have something to talk to you about, sit down in the livingroom." His dad said with a cold looking smile. Lukes smile vanished, with any other positive emotion he was feeling.

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