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Hailey didn't go to school the next day, she felt so sick and guilty. One moment Zander had been with them, the next he was gone, the group had backtracked and only found his phone, no sign of where Zander had went. Hailey knew he hadn't been kidnapped, there had been no one else with them. She had a feeling he knew Luke wasn't at home, and that he had run off to find him.

This made her feel stupid, being Zanders step brother she knew him pretty well. Now, looking back, she could tell Zander had been hiding something. Have they run away together? Why? Well judging by the conversation Milly had with Lukes parents, Hailey could imagine why Luke wanted to get away from them... But why would Zander go with him? Had she done something wrong.

Jake had tried to make her feel better by telling her it wasn't her fault, Sean had reassured her he was probably just worried about Luke. Milly had suggested the two had run away together because they loved each other. Daisy had texted Hailey after she found out checking up on her, and hell even Drew seemed to reach out and be nice, saying he couldn't imagine what she was going though, but he was sorry and he would try and be nicer.

Even with all of that she still missed Zander and Luke, so much so she was sick, her parents understood she was clearly upset and let her stay off. She had sat in bed most of the morning, however spent her afternoon with Bethany, until the music club turned up.

"How are you doing Hailey?" Milly asked, hugging her friend. "Its been rough." She admitted. "We came here to check on you and see how things have been." Sean told her. "Thank you guys, its hard on all of us. Bethany doesn't understand, we told her Zander is at a long sleepover with Luke... Moms really worried though and dad is trying his best to find Zander and Luke." She felt bad for ranting but she needed to get this out. "Do you think they are together, wherever they are?" Jake asked. "I'm almost sure of it."

"Elliot said hi by the way, and he hopes you're alright." Milly brought up. "Daisy said she will bring by something later when she has time." Sean told her. Hailey smiled but felt weird, everyone was being nice to her now Zander was gone, and it made that pit in her stomach feel bigger. "That's nice of them." She mumbled. Sean hugged Hailey, Jake joined in and so did Milly. "We will find them. And find out why they ran." Jake told her. "I have an idea."

It was now 3am. Hailey and Milly where outside of Lukes house, Sean and Jake where parked nearby, Sean was driving (of course) in his fathers car. "In and out." Hailey said to Milly, who nodded. Hailey looked under the plant for the spare keys Zander used to use, she unlocked the door and the two walked in.

Looking around the darkness they saw no pictures, nothing that gave any sign a child had lived here. Milly went up to Lukes room and saw everything had been cleared, there was a few bin bags on the floor but aside form a bed and a closet there was nothing. She backed out the room in shock. She had a feeling Lukes parents where glad he was gone.

Down in the kitchen Hailey saw plain ticket. Looking at the flight date she saw they would be leaving in three days. She saw two on the table and one ripped in half on the floor. Hailey quickly put the puzzle together.

Lukes family wanted to move. Luke didn't want to so he ran away, and Zander went with him.

Hailey wondered if they would be back in three days, it had already been one technically so two more days to go. Hailey hopped they would return after Lukes parents vanished, but where would Luke go after that? Hailey wanted to tell her parents about this but she knew she would get in trouble.

Milly came down and saw Hailey waiting by the door. "Come on." She whispered. "I have something to tell you all."

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