Where is Luke?

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Zander acted like it was any other day, until he remembered his and Lukes plan, quickly he texted Luke to confirm he was still up for it, before getting up and going downstairs.

"Has Luke messaged you at all?" Hailey asked, pulling Zander aside. "Not yet... Why?" Zander face paled. Was Luke okay? "He hasn't answered anyone's texts from last night which isn't like him." Hailey told him. "He didn't answer mine either.... So I went out to look for him last night." Zander admitted.

"Is he okay?" She asked, concerned for her fellow club member. "He was a little down last night but he seemed fine going home, maybe he was just tired." Zander shrugged off the uneasy feel that had started to fill the room. "You're probably right, but if he doesn't come to school we are going to his house." Hailey sounded determined to make sure Luke was okay.

"Jake have you heard from Luke at all?" Milly asked him, they where walking side by side, luckily they had gone unnoticed by Drew, Henry and Liam, who had been too busy talking about a new computer Drew had gotten. "I haven't... Which is odd, normally he always checks up on me." Jake wasn't sure why Luke did this, but he gathered it was his friendly nature. "He does that for all of us, and he never forgets, even when he's sick, something is seriously wrong."

Sean was worried too, he asked Daisy if she knew anything, and she told him Luke had some family issues last night, but refused to go into detail, and asked Sean not to pry into the situation. Sean reluctantly agreed, earning a thank you hug from Daisy.

Zander was worried, what if Luke got caught sneaking out and now his family wouldn't let him go anywhere, not even school. He would have to check, annoyingly after school.

Drew was not making things easy for any of them, tormenting the club as usual but making comments like 'So Luke has finally realized the freaks you truly are.' yet Zander seemed to get the worst of it. Now normally people would refer to Luke as his boyfriend, which hadn't been true until last night but Zander never really minded. Today however hearing things from all three of them:
'Oh did you and your boyfriend get into a fight?'
'I bet they broke up.'
'Well, they had a good relationship'
'Maybe Luke realized Stacy is way better'
'We should go tell her Luke is single now'

"Will you two shut up!?" Zander yelled, the corridor went silent and Drew smirked. "Finally standing up for yourself freak?" Milly, Sean and Hailey tried to get to the two, but Jake got there first. "Leave it Drew." Zanders eyes widened in shock, and Drew stopped smiling. "Your standing up for him?" Drew asked harshly. "Yes, I am. Zanders my friend Drew. He's a better friend then you will ever be." Drew looked at him, shocked and hurt, before turning away, no one, not even Liam and Henry followed.

Zander wasn't sure if he should hug or punch Jake, so he did both, the hug however was only brief. "You stood up for him... Against your friend?" Hailey asked in shock. "Well... Yeah." Jake rubs the back of his neck. "Thank you." Zander said quietly, before Jake could reply Milly explained. "Yeah that was awesome!"

The club skipped practice that day, not wanting to do anything without Luke. The last lesson dragged by and they met at Lukes locker to go over to his house. The five of them rushed out of school and started walking to Lukes house. "If he isn't there... What do we do?" Milly asked. "Do the only thing we can do, we tell the police." Jake responded. Sean nodded, Hailey looked at the ground and Zander started fiddling with his hands, wishing Luke was here so Zander could hold his hand.

"Any idea where he could be?" Hailey asked, mainly directing that question to Zander. "I have a few ideas." He said not really paying attention. "Maybe we should check them as well." Sean suggested. "Sounds like a plan." Zander agreed.

While they where walking he saw the forest and remembered his plan. What if Luke had gone in early? What if he had got hurt last night? Maybe he had never come out of the forest... It would make the most sense.

Dropping his phone on the ground he made sure the group where distracted before running right into the forest.

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