How long can this last

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So, maybe Luke should have thought twice about spending the night alone. He had woken up and tidied himself up a little bit, eating something small for breakfast and exploring the surroundings. His plan had been to go and pick up Zander after school but he had no idea what time it was. That was only a small problem.

Luke found the path again quickly, once he had Zander they would have to move deeper into the forest, that way they might not be found, well not as easily. Luke waited at the path for a few hours and kept himself entertained with ideas for the future.

After a very long time he heard running, he quickly hid behind a tree, peaking out when he heard heavy breathing. He saw someone doubled over catching his breath, the familiar purple hair made his heart race. "Zander?"

Zander looked up and smiled, he knew Luke would wait for him, Luke stepped out and Zander ran into his arms. They hugged for a moment before Luke kissed him, Zander quickly kissed back, neither letting the other go.

"Everyone's worried about you." Zander told Luke once they had got back to the tent. "They are?" Luke sounded almost amused. "Well the club are worried, I'm not sure about your parents." Zander admitted. "They wouldn't care." Luke sounded so sure of it and it made Zanders heart ache. Luke deserved so much better. "How long are we going to stay here?" Zander asked him, leaning on Lukes shoulder. "Probably a few weeks, long enough for my parents to leave without me." Luke put his arm around Zander.

"And when we go back?" Zander asked quietly. "I'll find somewhere to stay, catch up on school work, maybe get an early job, and as soon as I get my own place you're welcome to come stay with me. We could get a puppy, and a really nice garden. We would only need a small house but we could have a big garden."

Zander truly believed everything Luke was saying. He could imagine them much older, maybe married living with a puppy, Zander saw a golden retriever but it didn't really matter. They could have a bungalow with a bedroom or two, a nice kitchen and a very comfortable living room.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Luke spoke softly. "Honey we have to move the tent a little bit." Zander registered the nickname and felt his face heat up. "O-Okay." He stood up reluctantly and helped Luke take down the tent.

The two then moved back in the forest a little bit, finding a nice safe looking spot hidden away by a lot of trees. "Will this be good?" Luke asked, Zander nodded. The two put the tent back up again, working as a great team, they had no need for the torch yet as they could still see, and they wanted to safe the batteries they had brought.

"I think the rest of the club will look for us." Zander said once they where done. "I'm sure they will... Maybe we should go back..." Luke never wanted to admit it but he was scared, he wasn't sure he and Zander could live in the forest for however long they wanted to stay. "But if we go back I could lose you." Zander tried to hide the emotion in his voice, but Luke could tell. Luke always could tell.

"I don't want to leave you Zander... But we could die out here." Luke looked into Zanders eyes, he could see the other was close to tears, Zander wrapped his hands around Lukes neck and kissed him sweetly.

"I don't care, as long as we are together... I'm happy." He smiled at Luke weakly. Luke smiled back wider yet there was clear worry in his eyes. Zander knew he was scared, and he wanted to help Luke feel better. "Besides we only need to stay a few days right?" Luke nodded, he remembered seeing the plain ticket on his fathers table. They where leaving in three days. "We should stay for four days that way we can be sure they are gone."

"Won't the rest of the club be mad at us?" Luke shrugged. "I hope not, maybe once we come back they will hear us out and understand." He tried to comfort Zander. Surprisingly it was working well, he leaned on Luke and closed his eyes. "Can we get sleep?" He asked. "Sure hold on." Luke reached for his bag and pulled out a few blankets. Luke laid down, Zander curled up on Lukes chest, he wrapped a few blankets around the two.

Luke smiled as Zander closed his eyes. "I love you Luke, never forget that." Zander muttered sleepily. "I love you too Zander."

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