Thing start to go very wrong

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"Luke, we where thinking about a fresh start." His father began, and this is where the fear kicked in. fresh start? Was this a good thing or a bad thing? "So, I spoke to my work, and they offered me a position elsewhere." Shit. They where moving, Luke couldn't leave, not after today. "Is it far away?" He asked quietly. "We are going abroad." His mother said with excitement. "I can't leave!" Luke said louder than he meant to. "Why is that?" His father asked. "I can't leave the club... I can't leave Zander behind."

"Zander your best friend? You'll keep in touch! He can be like a pen-pal." His mother attempted to reassure him but her smile was fake. "He's... He's not just my best friend mom." Luke told her lowing his voice again. "A sibling relationship?" His father asked. "No. He's my boyfriend." Luke regretted it the moment he said it. His fathers eyes darkened and his mother looked angry. Before his father could say anything, Luke ran out of the house.


He should have gone to Zander, he would have, but he couldn't bring himself to face anyone not now. So he went to the park, sitting on a bench and avoiding looking anywhere but at people. Luke heard someone walk over and sit next to him, hearing a females voice. "Luke are you okay?" He looked up and saw Daisy. "Oh hey Daisy..." Luke wasn't sure what to say. "What are you doing out here alone?"

"My parents told me they wanted to move, and I told them I couldn't leave everyone yet." Luke avoided making eye contact with Daisy, he didn't want her to see him crying. "Was it bad?" Luke nodded. "I told them Zander was my boyfriend and I didn't want to leave him." He curled up on himself. Daisy seemed to understand, and she put an arm around Luke to comfort him. "You should see Zander about this, get his opinion, maybe he can help..." She spoke softly. "And Luke..."

Luke looked back up at Daisy. "I can see if my moms will let you borrow the spare room if you need time away from your parents... or if you don't have anywhere to stay." He nodded. "Thank you for the offer Daisy, I'll consider it if I need to but I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"It wouldn't be a bother at all! You would be like a brother." She smiled at him. "Thank you again so much Daisy." Luke muttered. "You don't need to say thank you." Daisy stood up. "I have to go now, will you be alright?" Luke nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow I hope." He told her. "Of course."

Zander had tried to text Luke, he wanted to see how he was doing, normally Luke would respond pretty quickly, and now it had been about 3 hours. Sure maybe he was sleeping, or his phone was dead. But after three hours Zander thought he had a right to worry about him.

Getting out of bed he walked downstairs and saw Hailey and Bethany watching a cartoon together. His mother and Hailey's father was making dinner in the kitchen. Zander turned to the front door, opening it slowly and leaving, making sure he was as quite as possible.

Luke was still at the park bench, it had been a while. He wasn't sure how long, his phone was still at home. Luckily it was hidden, or else he could have a bigger problem on his hands. Luke looked up at the sunset and didn't notice the purpled haired boy running over to him.

"Luke?" Zander asked, coming to a stop. "Zander!?" Luke looked over at him and stood up, coming face to face with him. "What are you doing out here?" They both asked at the same time. "You first." Zander said, arms crossed. He wasn't angry, just worried.

Luke told him everything, he saw Zanders expression change from worried, to sad, to angry. Once Luke was done he reached out and took hold of Zanders hand. "What are you going to do?" Zander asked quietly. "I don't know... I know what I want to do but it seems so unrealistic." He admitted.

"Whatever it is I can help you." Zander tried to sound composed, but he was scared. He didn't want to lose Luke. "I want to run away from them... From everyone." Luke seemed embarrassed. Zander looked around trying to think of an idea. Looking off into the horizon he got an idea. A very stupid but maybe possible idea.

They could do it, they could run away.

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