The forest from our childhood

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"As long as we sick to the path." Luke reassured his friend. "Are you sure, what if the path ends?" Zander seemed nervous, and Luke was somewhat surprised by that. The shorter had come up with the idea after all. "If the path ends we will go back okay?" Zander nodded, looking over at the entrance to the forest. The opening being almost covered by overhanging branches. "I'm ready." Zander said trying to sound brave. Luke smiled and looked over at Zander. "If you get scared you can hold my hand."


"Luke... The forest we explored when we where kids. If we hide there we might never be found." Zander tried not to sound to excited. "Would we bring anyone?" Luke asked. Zander thought for a moment. He would miss Sean, Milly, Hailey maybe even Jake, his mother, Bethany and even his step dad, but he couldn't bring them all.

Bethany was too young, and his parents would never agree, and besides they can't lose three, or even two of their children. Sean was so close to being an adult and living his own life Zander and Luke couldn't take that away from him. Jake had his own friends that he was likely to never leave, and as much as Zander hated them, he didn't want to ruin a friendship. That left Milly, she was also young, maybe not as young as Bethany, but she still had so much to experience.

"We can't." Zander told Luke. "It just has to be us." Luke nodded and kissed Zander cheek. "We don't have to do this, I know you don't want to leave your family behind." Luke was right, he didn't. But he would do anything to stay by Lukes side. "I'll do it, tonight, we go back home, gather some food a tent maybe and anything to keep us warm, clothes would be useful. Then tomorrow after school, we will go."

Luke nodded, taking in Zanders plan, hoping this would all work out. He didn't know how long they could survive out there. Was it even worth it? Well of course not leaving Zander was worth it, but he was also taking Zander away from his family and all their friends. Even if Zander wanted to come along, Luke felt pretty selfish.

When Zander returned home he saw his parents waiting for him. "Hello mum." Zander said. "Where have you been?" She asked, it wasn't harsh, just a simple question to make sure Zander was safe. "I was out... Luke was pretty upset about something and I wanted to be there for him." He looked down at the floor and the tone of his mothers voice softened. "I'm glad you where there for him, just tell us next time okay?" Zander nodded, not thinking about the high chance there would not be a next time.

Later on that night Zander gathered caned food, and can opener and a few blankets, Luke had agreed to get the tent and put it hidden in the forest later on in that night, it being easier for him to sneak out in the middle of the night, considering how careless his parents can be.

While he was gathering up everything and shoving it in the bottom of his school bag he wondered. Why did someone as amazing as Luke end up with such a terrible life. Zander zipped up his bag, promising to himself, and Luke, he would make sure that Luke was as happy as he could. He wanted Luke to live the happy life he deserved.

While this may not be too possible considering that they would be living in a forest, in a tent on the ground. Well... How romantic. Zander thought to himself, not laughing at his own joke. He put his bag back where it was and just had to hope the rest of his family wouldn't notice the missing items. This was it... He was ready to go, he was really going.

Luke arrived at the forest, the trees seemed smaller than they used to be, however it looked scarier during the night. Turning on his torch he walked into the forest, the tent bagged up in his other hand. He followed the path until it ended, walking a little further in and setting up the tent in the shadows. He had everything he would need for a little bit. He would be fine to stay the night... Right?

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