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After school Hailey returned home to see her parents sitting with Bethany, telling her Zander would be home in a day or two. Hailey had to go to her room after that, she couldn't handle the lies. 

Laying on her bed she got a text, Jake had added her and the rest of the club (minus Luke and Zander) to a group chat with his friends. She quickly put it down, even if Drew was on good terms with them now she didn't want to talk to anyone. 


 Drew felt guilt, it was his fault probably. He and never made things easy for either of them, and now they where missing. It may not have been his fault... But it sure felt like it. That was why Drew wanted to make things right. He may not be able to bring Luke or Zander back, but he could be a better person, that would count for something right?

Besides if he became friends with the club he could spend more time with Jake, get his best friend back. It could be like it was before. Drew wasn't sure if he would always feel this guilt but he hoped once everything was back to normal, and people had gotten over Luke and Zanders disappearance he wouldn't have to deal with that feeling anymore.  

Everything would be fine right? He would be forgiven for his mistakes... Surely. 


"Luke we have to go back." Zander half demanded half begged. Luke had only gotten worse, he looked pale and Zander was worried he would pass out. "I told you... I can't." He sounded weak, Zanders worry spiked. "Luke... Sweetheart, please. It hurts to see you like this." Lukes half closed golden eyes met Zanders. 

Without anything else being said Zander helped Luke up and helped the other walk back to the path. "What do we tell everyone?" Zander asked him, this was after all Lukes idea. "Tell them... You where looking for me and you found me injured. I was alone in the forest, that way you don't get in trouble." 

"But that's not true." He protested. "They don't know that, besides if I get sent back to my parents they'll hate you even more if they know you went with me." Luke wished his parents where nicer, he wished he could have lived the life he wanted with Zander. "Don't worry Luke, they leave today." Zander reminded the other, trying to remain hopeful. 

"If... If I get sent back to them. I'll return to you when I'm older, we can get the house we wanted." Luke promised even though he knew that might be hard to keep. "And the puppy." Zander added with a weak smile. "And the puppy." Luke repeated. 

The two reached the entrance to the forest. Luke was slowly hopping along, leaning on Zander for support. "No more going back... Once we leave the forest we can't come back." Luke reminded Zander. "You're more important, besides I don't think I want to be there anymore." 


Hailey was shaken awake by her mother at about 11:30pm. "Zander turned up at the hospital with Luke." She said, her voice full of worry. "Are they okay?" Hailey shot up, quickly getting a jacket. "Zanders fine, Luke has a broken leg, but we are going to see them, your father is staying with Bethany." 

The car ride was silent, Hailey had messaged Jake, Milly and Sean. Surprisingly all three of them had responded quickly, all expressing their relief and Milly asking Hailey to punch them both for her. Hailey had told her to do it herself when they see her. 

Getting to the hospital at night was scary, most people in pajamas, not having the time to change, Hailey was one of them. She wondered how many people had been called here due to something serious happening, and she felt extremally lucky that Luke only had a broken foot. 

Getting to Lukes room they saw him asleep, as pale as the bedsheets next to him, the only sign he was alive being his chest slowly rising and falling, Zander was sitting on a chair next to his bed, eyes closed holding Lukes hand. Hailey thought he was asleep until he opened his eyes and looked right at Hailey. Their mother was the one to break the silence.  

"Where where you two?" 

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