Just a normal day

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Zander was walking along the corridor with Hailey, it was early morning there was only a few people in the school at this time, most people on their way or outside of the school waiting for friends. Speaking of friends, Zander spotted Luke at his locker. Hailey seemed to spot him first though as she called out. "Luke!"

Zander watched Luke close his locker and look over at the two with a smile, one that made Zanders heart race. Hailey went over to Luke and Zander followed a little bit behind. "Hey Hailey, hey Zander. Did you sleep well?" Zander nodded absent mindedly and Hailey responded with a simple "Yep." 

"That's good, I was just about to head to class, want to come too?" Next was english, one of Zanders favourite subjects. And no it wasn't just because he got to sit with Luke.
"Sure." He tried to sound as uninterested as he could to avoid suspicion. "Great! Let's go. "

Zander was convinced his heart would just explode if Luke smiled again in the next hour or so.


Class provided a shock for Zander. He looked over at Luke to see if he was drawing something. Peaking at his book he a bunch of hearts. "Are you..." Zander spoke without thinking, instantly regretting it and covering his mouth. Luke looked over at Zander his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Oh I was just... Drawing..." He trialed off smiling awkwardly. "Are you in love or something?" He joked. Luke just nodded, and that felt like a pile of bricks.

Luke was in love, the boy Zander had a crush on for years was in love with someone. "How long for?" Zander asked, trying to sound exited and not at all like he was going to cry. "A while now, I don't know how long exactly though." 

Then came the big question. "Are you going to tell them?"
"I don't think so. I don't want to ruin my friendship with them."

It was probably someone from the club, maybe Hailey... Zander figured it would be, she's very talented and has much more of a likeable personality. "It might be worth the risk." Zander pointed out.

"They mean a lot to me Zander... I don't want to make things awkward." Luke slammed his head on the desk. Causing Zander to jump a bit. "Luke having feelings is normal. You can't exactly control them. "
"I guess you're right..."


All though practice Zander could not concentrate and the rest of the club could tell. Jake stopped singing to check up on Zander.

"Hey are you okay Zander, you don't normally space out like that?"
"I'm fine."
"Are you-"
"I'm fine Jake."

The rest of the club had now gathered around Zander. "It's something bothering you?" Luke asked, worried for his friend. Zander just nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"Do you want to talk about it? " Sean asked. Zander just shrugged. "I think we should end practice now, give Zander some time to rest." Hailey suggested.

Milly and Sean stayed behind to clean, Jake want back to Drew and his other friends. Leaving Hailey, Luke and Zander. "I think. I'll go catch up on some work, look after my brother okay?" Hailey told Luke.

"Will do." Luke was laughing as Zander protested. "I'm not five I can look after myself." Hailey gave him a look that clearly said 'Stop complaining you'll be fine'


"So... What was the whole zoning out thing? " Luke asked while they were walking home. "Nothing just think about someon.. Thing something." Zander could feel his face heat up. "Are you in loveee?" Luke joked.

Zander scanned Luke's face searching for any sign of anything that could hint to the taller returning his feeling... He thought he could see jealously on Lukes face, which was undeniably cute. Zander however tried to convince himself that he's seeing things, despite knowing his best friend pretty well. 

"I guess so..." Zander mutters. Lukes smile falls for a second, but he quickly forces one back onto his face. "That's great, whoever he is, he must be really special." Was... Was Luke sad? "He's really important to me... And he's one of my closest friends so I'm scared to tell him."


Luke sat there in shock. Closet friend? Zander only really spent time with the club and he hated Jake, meaning it could only be him or Sean. "Closet friend?" Luke repeated quietly. He saw a light tint of red spread across Zanders cheeks. "Well, it depends. I like to think we are close."  

Did... Did Zander like him back?

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